Anzahl Assoziationen zu diesem Stichwort (einige Beispiele folgen unten) 58, davon 53 (91,38%) mit einer Bewertung über dem eingestellten Schwellwert (-3) und 15 positiv bewertete (25,86%)
Durchschnittliche Textlänge 245 Zeichen
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 0,224 Punkte, 17 Texte unbewertet.
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positiv bewertete Texte
Der erste Text am 8.6. 2002 um 21:07:06 Uhr schrieb
Jakob the dark Hobbit über Bukkake
Der neuste Text am 19.8. 2016 um 23:16:54 Uhr schrieb
Bug über Bukkake
Einige noch nie bewertete Texte
(insgesamt: 17)

am 12.3. 2007 um 17:39:09 Uhr schrieb
Bettina Beispiel über Bukkake

am 19.8. 2016 um 23:16:54 Uhr schrieb
Bug über Bukkake

am 22.3. 2005 um 19:48:23 Uhr schrieb
Hase (wohlgelaunt) über Bukkake

Einige überdurchschnittlich positiv bewertete

Assoziationen zu »Bukkake«

Leo vom Schrottplatz schrieb am 27.6. 2002 um 10:21:34 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 6 Punkt(e)

<Jakob the dark Hobbit schrieb am 8.6. 2002 um 21:53:41 Uhr über

<Äh elboi, du sagst hier ja es handele sich um die »erwachsene Version des Kekswichsens« also jemand der es nötig hat einem Mädchen ins Gesicht zu spritzen wirkt auf mich nicht sehr erwachsen.
Im Gegenteil, wer Frauen humilitieren muss um sich gut zu fühlen, hat in meinen Augen ein gestörtes Verhältnis zum anderen Geschlecht. Aber es liegt mir fern mch in die Vorlieben von »consenting adults« einzumischen. Jedoch, was zur Blasterhölle ist Kekswichsen? Hab ich da was verpasst? naja für mich persönlich ist das uninteressant und nur noch ein Beispiel für Schwanzomanie.>

Alles Blödsinn
ich hab in meinem Leben eine ganze Reihe Frauen getroffen, die es lieber auf wie in den Körper wollten

Rudi schrieb am 8.6. 2002 um 23:15:28 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 7 Punkt(e)

Dieser komische Japankult, liegt das an der Fußball-WM, dass das Zeug so im Trend liegt?
Bukkake, nie gehört, erinnert an Kacke, ist aber anscheinend doch was Schöneres, denn es soll Frauen geben, die das ja auch mögen (jaa, schmier mir das Zeug überall hin, ich will es im Gesicht, auf den Brüsten, am Rücken, zwischen meinen Schenkeln............-----Moment Schatz, soviel hab ich garnicht.......)

George Kranz schrieb am 30.10. 2002 um 15:42:20 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 5 Punkt(e)

By now, all devotees of adult entertainment must be familiar with the new sub-genre known simply as »Bukkake«. I will not go into an historical/linguistic analysis of the term, but I will attempt to offer a sketch of the genre and ruminate a bit on some of the potential sociological implications of what I see as a significant advance in human behavior.

The original Japanese films portrayed a highly ritualized sex show where a demure young lass, usually in school girl or corporate uniform kneels in the center of a small room. There is usually some visual prop to emphasize her as the center of attention - velvet ropes hung from brass pedestals forming a fence around her, two or three rows of »security guards« who serve to control access to her.

The girl waits patiently, little or no emotion showing on her face as one by one, men who have been masturbating just off camera approach and ejaculate into her face.

Often there will be as many as 75 or 80 men. Sometimes the girl briefly fellates the man of the moment, sometimes not. There is usually no significant sound track ( or dialogue ) other than a few appreciative grunts and groans from the gents.

Although I find some Japanese women quite attractive, the Japanese bukkake films I've viewed leave me cold, kinda like watching an IBM documentary on their latest mainframe operating system.

Not to worry though, with characteristic Yanqui ingenuity and resolve, the industry has spotted a good idea, and improved it. The U.S. versions are considerably livelier, almost a party atmosphere. Some of the girls really get into the action, after all they are doing the best thing possible for their complexions -the natural vitamins and proteins in cum have long been known to help condition skin.

I'm really enthusiastic about the direction of the U.S. versions, a few of the latest films I've seen have been quite hot, and I think bukkake also has some promise as a general, amateur activity. Talk about a natural fund raiser - how many times have you been driving around and seen a church group or civic club selling car washes ? Now, who the hell wants to wash their car ? I let mine sit in the rain - works just fine.

But suppose you drove past a fire department and saw a large hand-lettered sign that read »Bukkake 5$« . You park, and walk into the station, ( which has been emptied of fire trucks for this occasion ), and lo and behold, a gorgeous brunette Demi Moore look alike is kneeling on a pillow in the center of the garage. Men mill around, drinking draft Heineken from a freshly tapped keg, bullshitting, and stroking their meat. One by one, as the need arises, they drift on over to Demi and shoot their load.

Her hair is streaked with strands of cum, cum hangs from her chin and occasionally falls to her bare breasts - she is grinning like a she-devil - a good time is had by all. Shit, you would donate 5 bucks and join the party, right ?

Bukkake is also a natural initiation rite in a least two ways. First, sororities at some of our rowdier campuses could require that all new members undergo a bukkake.

The beautiful debutante would kneel in the center of a large room in the sorority house while several invited fraternity houses mill around, swilling beer, and, uh, rising to the occasion. The debutante would have to fellate the three largest guys, the rest would have to service themselves. At the crucial moment guys move right next to or in front of the cutie and shoot their load. The whole party would be recorded on video for both the sorority archives and the debutantes scrapbook. ( Interesting item for her future ex-husband don't you think ?)

Football games ( pro and college ) could be made infinitely more interesting if a simple rule was adopted: the losing quarterback=s wife or girlfriend must perform a bukkake for the players and staff of the victorious team. This would take place immediately after the game and be televised live - wow - talk about ratings !

Anyone stuck in Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport would appreciate this scheme: Shitcan 1 large giftshop on each concourse and make it into a bukkake room. Hookers from Greater Atlanta, dressed in cute stewardess outfits would staff each room. Christ, guys would be praying for flight delays.

My final suggestion: For all you guys who have stood in line for 3 or 4 hours at the local Division of Motor Vehicles office waiting for the privilege of paying 20 or 30 bucks for a plastic decal which certifies that you have, uh, spent 20 or 30 bucks, how would you like the cutest female employee at the office to be forced into bukkake for the waiting gents ?

Think the shits would speed up service ? ( Probably not, I can see the end of shift scene now as one female employee consoles another : »Lawdy lawdy Shoneeka , dey sure cum all OVAH you dis afternoon !« ).

Cheerio, George Kranz

elfboi schrieb am 8.6. 2002 um 21:19:18 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 10 Punkt(e)

Bukkake ist sowas wie die erwachsene Version des Kekswichsens - dort liegt kein Keks, sondern ein nacktes Mädchen, und es gilt, sie zu treffen, möglichst ins Gesicht. Daß ausgerechnet die Japaner es waren, die ein kurzes prägnantes Wort dafür gefunden haben, war natürlich auch mal wieder klar.

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