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Yahwe Mutabo, am 14.10. 2005 um 00:03:36 Uhr

Once Eric said "come gather 'round
I'll tell a tale that is sure to astound
Un-somnambulist that's awake see he don't sleep
Talkin', takin' no break, walkin' - but you don't believe
Oo-ooh no, you don't believe no, you don't believe

As to his fame he has two claims
He is a Don and as well a Captain
Un-somnambulist he was awake see for eighty-five weeks with no sleep it's crazy maybe - but you don't believe
Oo-ooh no, you do't believe no, you don't believe

They called him freak and he lost all his friends
Could only speak to the boys in the band
Un-somnambulist you stay awake and see what happens eighty-five weeks with no nappin'- but you don't believe
Oo-ooh no, you don't believe no, you don't believe

Please will you listen to what then did occur?
The world to him was all covered in fur
Un-somnambulist let me explain see the fur changed to wood grain
Everything can you believe it? But you don't believe
Oo-ooh no, you don't believe no, you don't believe
No, you don't believe oo-ooh no, you don't believe no, you don't believe?"

(Frank Black - 85 Weeks)

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