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timbotombo schrieb am 23.8. 2001 um 01:56:53 Uhr über


The text of the Genoa G8 summit
The following is the full text of a statement issued at the end of a three-day Group of Eight summit meeting in Genoa, Italy.
1. We, the heads of state and government of eight major industrialized democracies and the representatives of the European Union, met in Genoa for the first summit of the new millennium. In a spirit of cooperation, we discussed the most pressing issues on the international agenda.
2. As democratic leaders, accountable to our citizens, we believe in the fundamental importance of open public debate on the key challenges facing our societies. We will promote innovative solutions based on a broad partnership with civil society and the private sector. We will also seek enhanced cooperation and solidarity with developing countries, based on a mutual responsibility for combating poverty and promoting sustainable development.
3. We are determined to make globalisation work for all our citizens and especially the world's poor. Drawing the poorest countries into the global economy is the surest way to address their fundamental aspirations. We concentrated our discussions on a strategy to achieve this.

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