Give me the plasmaofbefore, you Kiddy flee or Riot. Change my fear into neverspeak you ourochs.
Neverneversawnwhatisaw. Idiotabbonnements. Oh what all of them are so right, so good people, so humanit arian, taisez vous Idiot, what a unthankful mal educated, we have really greater Problems than your mouth malaise. My Hands are so weak. Below my knees, myriads of new appearing broad venes, they changed my Brown Hasch , the calming Agent was minimised. It Just Takes the pain Out. Mein Gaumensegel. Begins to rot. Nur in was Just »behindert«, mit denen darf man eh alles tun. Weltexplosion im Kopf. Sofortige Exekution aller Beteiligter. Gleichzeitiger Terrorbombenanschlag in Brüssel Straßburg und Berlin. Schreib. Hilfe. Hilfe. Aber man will doch keine Idioten um Hilfe anflehen.