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Mechanical Boy (müde), am 25.6. 2002 um 20:51:23 Uhr


Also called the stollenwurm, springwurm, or jumping worm, it is allegedly a cryptid animal described as being anywhere from five to seven feet long with a snake-like form, large clawed legs and a feline appearance in the head region.

Similar creatures have been part of Scandinavian folklore for centuries. The first sightings of the Tatzelwurm (»worm with claws« in German) were in the seventeen hundreds by a farmer who claimed that it attacked his livestock, particularly a hog. The farmer was so frightened by the attack that he suffered a heart attack and died that same day. Reports have ranged throughout Switzerland since then till present day.

An alleged skeleton of the creature and photographs presented as physical evidence are assumed to be fraudulent, orchestrated by local people in the hope of attracting more tourist trade.

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