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Snoopdoggydog schrieb am 13.10. 2014 um 23:06:11 Uhr über


Viele Menschen in Liberia glauben, dass gezielt Brunnen mit Formaldehyd vergiftet werden, die Ebola auslösen. Es wurde auch schon einer erwischt dabei. Der wiederum hat ausgesagt, er hätte Geld dafür bekommen, wenn er das Pulver in Brunnen schüttet. Zur Abwechslung eine ganz andere Sichtweise.
"A man in Schieffelin, a community located in Margibi County on the Robertsfield Highway, has been arrested for attempting to put formaldehyde into a well used by the community. Reports say around 10 a.m., he approached the well with powder in a bottle. Mobbed by the community, he confessed that he had been paid to put formaldeyde into the well, and that he was not the only one. He reportedly told community dwellers, “We are many.” There are agents in Harbel, Dolostown, Cotton Tree and other communities around the ountry, he said. State radio, ELBC, reports that least 10 people in the Dolostown community have died after drinking water from poisoned wells. The man also alleged that some water companies, particularly those bagging mineral water to sell, are also involved. The poison, he said, produces Ebola-like symptoms and subsequently kills people.


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