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alexander schrieb am 10.5. 2007 um 02:29:05 Uhr über


What you dont know about Buddhism, consider facts or fiction:

Buddhist temples luring young healthy girls into their midst allegedly for an retread but actually to brainwash those vulnerable to make nuns out of them for their own benefit.

Buddhism wants to break the vicious cycle of reincarnation. Rebirth has the purpose to make the individual suffer not having lived a pure life. A pure life is lived when the individual gets rid of all feelings, desires, physical and mentally. Thus includes the natural God given sex drive. To achieve this purity by woman Female Genital Mutilation FGM is performed, which is the removal of the clitoris. Most the time young girls do not know what happened to their bodies after they wake up from anesthesia. They are being lied to before they join the sisterhood to become a nun in order not to hurt their feelings this rule comes long before telling the truth. After the brainwashing was successful the girls becoming persons without own personality, unable to judge for themselves. The poor girls had thrown their life away and became non-persons believing what the cult says is actually what they wanted and which is good for them. The Buddhist nuns are the princesses in the convent permanently locked up in rooms they never can leave nor communicate with the outside. The Buddhists prefer young and healthy girls for nuns obviously because being used only for reproduction till their body wears out. Are then those sex acts performed as religious rituals? Such repeated childbirth reduces their live expectancy greatly. When they finally die young there might not even be any record about their real names nor were they originally came from. God knows what happens with their corpses. The babies born are immediately removed from their mothers to avoid any bonding. The mothers almost never have a chance see them at birth. Because bonding would cause feelings and create suffering which violates the purety requirement of the Buddhist religious law. The babies are raised somewhere else and apparently bringing a big profit through it sales to the Temple. The nuns took their solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Chastity the sexual purity is always guarantied because of Female Genital Mutilation FGM, the removal of the clitoris, whether sexual penetration is done under sedation or not. It is understood nuns who are not living up to their vows or trying to escape might be severely punished suggesting that might be a religious torture ritual to discourage others attempting the same.

Every 15 seconds worldwide a woman is butchered by removal of her clitoris, often even more, and to stop any sexual relationship they are then sewed up just to leave a small opening for the period and the urine.

What do we know about the monks, whom of them might get their genitals removed to avoid the pleasure of sex? And who is qualified to remain intact for reproduction services?

In the UK Female Genital Mutilation is against the law, even if the woman signs for it. However it is still performed in secret resulting in infection because of unclean instruments and unclean environment causing often death.

Does the US government not stop this butchery because of religious freedom?
How about religious murder is that the next thing to be allowed?
What happens to the corpses of death Buddhist nuns are they ever been checked? Did they die a natural death? Or just being terminated when they become useless for reproduction?

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