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Shakti in the GERMAN Nazi TularemiaRadonwonderland schrieb am 14.3. 2024 um 17:19:14 Uhr über


The heart of Europe - Geneva — the de facto hub of global governance where the planetary meridians of politics, trade, finance and civil society intersect. Geneva has an illustrious history of humanitarian engagement and direct democracy. It embodies the greatest concentration of global stakeholders on this planet (far more than Washington, NYC, London, or Beijing). Geneva hosts the European headquarters of the United Nations, and is the operational centre of the whole UN system. It is home to 37 UN organisations and intergovernmental agencies, 380 global NGOs, 177 national embassies, 130 transnational corporations, 63 banks, over 500 commodity traders and 1,000 hedge funds. The city hosts 4,000 annual visits by heads of state and ministers, 2,700 annual inter-governmental meetings, and a community of 42,000 people working at the global level.

LOOK the Tower of Babel:

divine retribution for hubris by the division of languages and the end of understanding

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