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Sonja schrieb am 22.5. 2003 um 23:34:15 Uhr über



»Top Man«



Ohm, Ohm, Ohm, Ohm
Ohm, Ohm, Ohm
(Background throughout the song: Ohm, Ohm, Ohm, Ohm, Ohm, Ohm, Ohm)

This is a public warning
Be careful when you're out
We're having freaky weather
There's a lot of it about

On the terraces it's swinging
He's a monkey on the roof
You've seen him on the tele
So let me introduce
(Background spoken: sounds like »You're in hell with cyanide«)

T - O - P - M - A - N
He's naughty by nature
T - O - P - M - A - N
On doubles and chasers
T - O - P - M - A - N
Be a little boy racer
T - O - P - M - A - N
Shooting guns on the high streets of love

In a crowd it's hard to spot him
But anonymity can cost
It's never cheap or cheerful
He's Hugo and he's Boss

He's riding through the desert
On a Camel Light
And on a magic carpet
He'll fly away tonight
(Open sesame)

T - O - P - M - A - N
He's naughty by nature
T - O - P - M - A - N
On doubles and chasers
T - O - P - M - A - N
Be a little boy racer
T - O - P - M - A - N
Shooting guns on the high streets of love
T - O - P - M - A - N
He sees her in double
T - O - P - M - A - N
Then he pukes on the pavement
T - O - P - M - A - N
He likes her all clean and shaven
T - O - P - M - A - N
Shooting guns on the high streets of love

(Whistling, something mumbled in background that I can't understand)

T - O - P - M - A - N
He's naughty by nature
T - O - P - M - A - N
On doubles and chasers
T - O - P - M - A - N
Be a little boy racer
T - O - P - M - A - N - 7
Shooting guns on the high streets of love -/ times
T - O - P - M - A - N
T - O - P - M - A - N

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