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Gottesanbeterin schrieb am 13.10. 2002 um 23:58:14 Uhr über


Das Heffalump:

They're black, they're brown, they're up, they're down
They're in, they're out, they're all about!
They're far, they're near, they're gone, they're here!
They're quick and slick, they're insincere!

Beware! Beware! Be a very wary bear

A heffalump or woozle is very confusil
A heffalump or woozle's very sly!
They come in ones and twosles but if they so choosles
Before your eyes you'll see them multiply

They're extraordinary so better be wary
Because they come in ev'ry shape and size
If honey's what you covet, you'll find that they love it
Because they'll guzzle up the thing you prize

Beware! Beware! Be a very wary bear

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