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namensindschallundrauch@der-nachtmensch.de schrieb am 29.9. 2005 um 04:03:47 Uhr über


It's an odd thing to look back on the world
to watch those I left behind.
Each in her own way so brave, so determined
and so very desperate.
Desperate to venture out,
but afraid of what she'll miss
when she goes.
Desperate to get everything she wants,
even when she's not exactly sure
of what that is.
Desperate for life to be perfect again,
although she realizes it never really was.
Desperate for a better future
if she can find a way to escape her past.
I not only watch,I cheer them on,
these amazing women.
I hope so much they'll find
what they're looking for.
But I know not all of them will.
that's just not the way life works.
Not everyone gets
a happy ending.


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