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baumhaus, am 20.1. 2015 um 21:24:35 Uhr

I remember when you first arrived
Magic marker on yr belly button alright, alright
I read what you said you said drop dead oh no, oh no
I need you now 'cause I know you got nowhere to go

Schizo-action baby create a scene
I'm the type-a-guy to boost yr self-esteem
We party all night 'cause it's you, you, you everyday
Self-obsessed and sexxee all the way

I remember yr bloody trail to the top, the top
Took it all too far now you just can't stop, don't stop
I'll help collect yr soul from the lost and found, it's around
And I will build you up while they put you down

Schizo-action baby create a scene
I'm the type-a-guy to boost yr self-esteem
We party all night 'cause it's you, you, you everyday
Self-obsessed and sexxee all the way, all the way

Party party party party all the time
Party party party party all the time
Party party party party all the time
Party party party party all the time

(Sonic Youth)

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