>Info zum Stichwort DerSagenumwobeneKelchderKotze709 | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
ParanoIi schrieb am 20.10. 2002 um 02:41:30 Uhr über




information (as of jan.1):


a happy new year to all.

i updated david grubbs discography & gastr del sol discography. grubbs are starting his new label blue chopsticks, and its first releases will be out in april 1999.

he will be doing solo shows in europe for the month of january 1999, while his new solo album [the coxcomb] will be out by rectangle.

jim o'rourke visited japan in october-november 1998 with merce cunningham dance company and did some shows. he did a solo performance too at shibuya uplink factory in oct.25. i felt simon & garfunkel spinning round & round inside my head even after the show. the forthcoming [eureeka] will be presumably a masterpiece.

@(pix by jun nakamura)

and o'rourke will be doing some shows again here in japan this month. wow!!!

grubbs ̃j[[x́u‚vBȂȂ҂郊[XɂȂ肻Bo'rourke ̗̎ʐ^AbvĂ܂BN͂ 3-4ȏ͓{Cu͂Ȃ̂AO񌩓͂ЁBꏏɁuXitL̗[ׁvςĂ낯܂BN낵肢܂B(jan.1)

| discography (gastr del sol) |
| reviews | lyrics | links | discography (david grubbs) |

since dec 30th/1996
introducing CNTRA from bemax

| GA |

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