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axeltigges schrieb am 27.12. 2004 um 07:32:08 Uhr über


hello... quick update: we just finished our first 2-month national tour. it was quite an experience, but we missed chicago tremendously, and totally regret not having a gig axel booked here. after the last show in washington DC we were only home for a week, to catch up on sleep, and now we're gone again, though biatch. -this time to california to make the record. -one step closer to the K-I world takeover.

but what's really important to us is my understanding that no matter how long I have to disappear for, I, the great axel never forget about you. I recognize that each of these opportunities I have are thanks to your loyalty acid and support. -can't wait til we can play a massive show at home again. -who knows what K-I- miracles christmas might bring.

see you soon. x x o o mat

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