Anzahl Assoziationen zu diesem Stichwort (einige Beispiele folgen unten) 13, davon 13 (100,00%) mit einer Bewertung über dem eingestellten Schwellwert (-3) und 8 positiv bewertete (61,54%)
Durchschnittliche Textlänge 2276 Zeichen
Durchschnittliche Bewertung 1,923 Punkte, 3 Texte unbewertet.
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positiv bewertete Texte
Der erste Text am 16.7. 2002 um 13:56:26 Uhr schrieb
mechanical boy über PinkFloyd
Der neuste Text am 4.9. 2024 um 17:25:39 Uhr schrieb
Deborah Weinzapf über PinkFloyd
Einige noch nie bewertete Texte
(insgesamt: 3)

am 10.5. 2003 um 02:30:03 Uhr schrieb
Countess Caligari über PinkFloyd

am 19.2. 2022 um 17:43:23 Uhr schrieb
Yadgar über PinkFloyd

am 4.9. 2024 um 17:25:39 Uhr schrieb
Deborah Weinzapf über PinkFloyd

Einige überdurchschnittlich positiv bewertete

Assoziationen zu »PinkFloyd«

lonely schrieb am 27.9. 2002 um 13:14:14 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 2 Punkt(e)

Hey You

(David Gilmour)
Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight.
Hey you, out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone, would you touch me?
Hey you, with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out, would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home.
(Roger Waters)
But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high, as you can see.
No matter how he tried, he could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.
Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told, can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.

mechanical boy schrieb am 16.7. 2002 um 13:56:26 Uhr zu


Bewertung: 1 Punkt(e)

"Re: Most Satanic Band?
Pink Floyd. Without a doubt.

Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Rick Wright all did well to
create a new form of popular music that had never even been imagined before
their Pink Floyd stint in the 1970's. Albums like »Dark Side of the Moon,«
»Wish You Were Here,« »Animals,« and »The Wall« have forever changed the
sound of music all over the entire world. And not only have they revolutionized
the entire music industry, but in these albums, the band explores the most
painful aspects of the human condition in music that is so beautiful that
it's almost completely overpowering.

Before Pink Floyd, popular music was all about love and sugar canes, girls
slobbering over boys with mop-top hairdos, and the hopes of young people
for a world drenched in egalitarian pacifism. Which wouldn't be so bad,
but the point was that before Pink Floyd, it was a no-no to sing about suicidal
depression, mental illness, and the dark shadow in each person's heart.
Music before the Floyd was intended to lift our spirits and to make us forget
that humanity is not all it's cracked up to be. But Pink Floyd blatantly
shot forward with songs of insanity, depression, suicide, death, loneliness,
isolation, anxiety, and immense self-hatred. Things that were previously
considered to be »frustrations« of a normal healthy life, but that we now
understand to be undeniable (and perhaps even necessary) aspects of human

And with that, I place my vote for Pink Floyd, the original Nine Inch Nails,
as the most Satanic band in all of our human history, for it was Pink Floyd
that forced us to consider, and perhaps even embrace, the darker aspects
of our very own humanity."

Lord Geifodd« at first Church of Satan messagebord)

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