>Info zum Stichwort whip | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
Flora schrieb am 1.3. 2000 um 01:36:23 Uhr über


...just to complete the one association from »Englisch« and let's also see, how many different languages the blaster will carry (the web is world wide, have I heared).

The whip is a twisted leather cord which ends in a handle or kind of handle.
I remember the use of whips to drive horses by cracking the whip or hitting the animal. Whips are used to train or educate animals that serve the humans, just like dogs, horses etc.
Whips doing a unfriendly job in punishment of humans, and still do in arabian countries.
Whips have facinating physics. the are faster than the speed of sound when they crack. They are very powerful when they hit something. On the other hand whips do not injure in the way hard sticks do, the injuy is the skin. So the whip can hurt hard without causing serious damages. This is for whipping animals, I do not think that whips should hit humans.
Well, the eskimos cannot drive their dog sled and the coaches cannot successfuly driven without a whip.

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