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Mr. White schrieb am 29.12. 2002 um 13:29:04 Uhr über


Hey baby where are you coming from?

Well she looked at me and smiled
And looked into space and said
»I'm coming from the land of the new rising sun

Then I said
»Hey baby where are you trying to go to

Then she said
"I'm going to spin and spread around peace of mind and a whole lotta love to you and you

Hey girl I'd like to come along
Yes, I'd love to come along

Would you like to come along? She asked me
Yes take me along right now
Hey baby, can I step into your world for a while?

Yes you can, she said
Come on back with me for a while
We're gonna go across the Jupiter sand and see all you people one by one
We gotta help you people out right now
That's why I'm doing it all about

Hey! Yeah, may I come along?
May I come along?
May I come along?
Please take me

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