Alternative News Network
Based in Australia, with lots of progressive news and links.
Alternative Radio
Alternative Radio is a weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and on short-wave on Radio for Peace International. AR provides information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in other media.
Alternet is a project of the Independent Media Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism.
First launched in 1998, AlterNet's online magazine provides a mix of news, opinion and investigative journalism on subjects ranging from the environment, the drug war, technology and cultural trends to policy debate, sexual politics and health issues. The AlterNet article database includes more than 7,000 stories from over 200 sources.
America for Sale
» is not a news site, we provide links to archived stories on news sites, which provide current up to the minute news. This site is only an archive of recent history. There's no opinion on this site. What you will find is real events, with real sources with the links to back them up. The sources we've cited include the FBI, the CIA, CNN, CBS News, ABC News, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Newsweek and the BBC. There is an incredible amount of both misinformation and misunderstanding out there, with this site we're trying to correct that. This is not conspiracy theory, this is the news and it�s history in the making.«
American Review
»We aim to raise awareness of the commercial newsmedia's sometimes destructive effects on freedom and democracy in the fast-moving technological information age. We encourage serious reflection as well as off-the-chair activism to grapple with one of the most complex and serious problems of our time.«
Americans for Radio Diversity
»The mission of the non-profit Americans for Radio Diversity organization is to promote community- oriented commercial and public radio broadcasting. The scarce radio spectrum must include quality programming that is of, for and by the community. In order to promote local competition and local programming, we must reverse the destructive trend toward the anti-competitive, concentrated radio ownership in mega-media corporations. As radio listeners, our voices must be heard.«
Anti-Bush Film Festival
The Anti-Bush Film Festival is a celebration of Freedom of Speech that includes:
* Films, Shorts and Animations
* Register to Vote Drive
* Live Music
* Guest Speakers
The festival will be screening National and Local film makers. has graciously provided the festival with select films from their Anti-Bush commercial contest.
The festival will screen Spike Lee's original documentary 'We Wuz Robbed', about the 2000 Florida Election.
All net proceeds from the festival will go to the Michigan Democratic Party.
A liberterian group focused on what they call a »Pro-America« and »non-interventionist« campaign. They update the site every day with excellent links to daily postings and articles from around the web and the world's newspapers regarding issues of war and peace.
Asia Times
Based in Hong Kong with offices in Bangkok and throughout Asia, Asia Times Online is a leading source of pan-Asia news on geopolitical, political, business, economic and international issues affecting Asia and our world. Features a wealth of staff, independent and guest columnists who offer an Asian perspective on the news behind the headlines.
Austin Chronicle
The Austin Chronicle is an independent, locally owned and operated alternative newsweekly that reflects the heart and soul of Austin, Texas. Boasting a readership of 243,500, the Chronicle addresses the community's political and environmental concerns, expresses Austin's rich cultural scene, and provides in-depth coverage of the Capital City's live music and entertainment venues, performing arts centers, restaurants, recreational activites, and outdoor excursions.
A daily collection of news links.
Behind the Homefront
A daily chronicle of news in homeland security and military operations affecting newsgathering, access to information and the public's right to know, from the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Bitch | Feminist Response to Pop Culture
»A print magazine devoted to incisive commentary on our media-driven world. We feature critiques of TV, movies, magazines, advertising, and more—plus interviews with and profiles of cool, smart women in all areas of pop culture.«
Blue Collar Review
»The Blue Collar Review is a quarterly journal of poetry and prose published by Partisan Press. Our mission is to expand and promote a progressive working class vision of culture that inspires us and that moves us forward as a class. The work presented is a sampling from the magazine.«
BuzzFlash--Daily Headlines & Breaking News
BuzzFlash provides headlines, news, and commentary for a geographically-diverse, politically-savvy, pro-democracy, anti-hypocrisy web audience, reaching 2.5 million visitors a month and growing.
Chicago Reader
Published since 1971, the Chicago Reader is widely recognized as one of the leading alternative weeklies in the U.S. It specializes in features rather than news, with emphasis on urban issues and politics, arts and culture, and literary journalism that seeks to capture the spirit of contemporary city life. The paper has won numerous journalistic awards and honors, both local and national, and is well-known as a showcase for Chicago�s most talented writers, critics, photographers, and illustrators.
City Pages (Twin Cities)
The alternative weekly covering Minnesota's Twin Cities.
CJR: Who Owns the Media?
The Columbian Journalism Review's guide to the giant media companies and just how giant they actually are.
Color Lines
»We bring together the leading thinkers and organizers of color and the leading writers on race to speak on the issues, the organizing, the arts, the ideas of our time.«
An interesting art magazine--a less political version of Adbusters--covering issues from around the world in each theme based issue. (A by-product of Benetton).
Common Dreams News Center
Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community.
An eclectic mix of politics, issues and breaking news with an emphasis on progressive perspectives that are increasingly hard to find with our corporate-dominated media.
»CounterPunch is the bi-weekly muckraking newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. Twice a month we bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints. We aren't side-line journalists here at CounterPunch. Ours is muckraking with a radical attitude and nothing makes us happier than when CounterPunch readers write in to say how useful they've found our newsletter in their battles against the war machine, big business and the rapers of nature.«
Covert Action Quarterly
Crikey--Australian News
Crikey is Australia's leading independent online news service.
Cursor combines original material with a daily-updated media and politics Web log that comments upon and links to the work of major news organizations, as well as to other critical, independent voices published on the Internet -- contextualizing the day's news in a broader fashion than what is available from the mainstream media. In addition, Cursor contains links to hundreds of magazines, newspapers and stand alone Web sites, with an emphasis on media criticism and media research. Cursor also has a Twin Cities edition that has been published since 1997 and focuses on media activities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches
Weary of the overall failure of the US media to accurately report on the realities of the war in Iraq for the Iraqi people and US soldiers, Dahr Jamail went to Iraq to report on the war himself.
His dispatches were quickly recognized as an important media resource and he is now writing for the Inter Press Service, The NewStandard and many other outlets. His reports have also been published with The Nation, The Sunday Herald and Islam Online, to name just a few. Dahr's dispatches and hard news stories have been translated into Polish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Arabic. On the radio, Dahr is a special correspondent for Flashpoints and reports for the BBC, Democracy Now!, and numerous other stations around the globe.
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on over 140 stations in North America.Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, community, and National Public Radio stations, public access cable television stations, satellite television (on Free Speech TV, channel 9415 of the DISH Network), shortwave radio and the internet. Daily News to be confused with which is the home of the completely separate Democratic Party--is a central online hub for independently minded Democrats. Their daily news section provides an excellent run down of all the current news from a wide variety of sources.
Der Spiegel
Germany's largest paper translates its cover stories and other important reports into English.
Detroit Metro Times
Metro Times, located in the heart of downtown Detroit, is currently celebrating its 23rd year and is the largest, most-read weekly in metro Detroit. Each week, Metro Times delivers the straight story on news, arts, culture, music and the most comprehensive restaurant, arts, and events listings around.
Metro Times' popular, award-winning Website at is an indispensable source for news, arts, and culture online and home to THE Interactive Guide to Detroit featuring our award winning database of restaurants, events, nightspots, and musicians including literally thousands of online listings.
Disinfopedia is a free encyclopedia of propaganda that is being written collaboratively on this web site. It catalogues descriptions of PR firms, activist groups and government agencies as well as the criticisms that are made of these groups from different perspectives. You may not agree with all of the criticisms, and if you think something that appears here is unfair, you can fix it!
Dollars & Sense Magazine
»Do economic half-truths make your head ache? Lies give you a migraine? If they do, there's a hazard to your health in the media today. Politicians and pundits -- the same ones who rush out on a limb with an answer for everything -- are giving out the wrong answers. It's hard enough for professional economists to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the deficit, poverty programs and international trade. But when most of us are confronted with leading questions and evasive responses, we need a straightforward source to help sort out the truth.« Dollars and Sense tries: »the only progressive economics magazine in the country written for a popular audience.« Lots of resources and info.
Earth Island Journal
»The Earth Island Journal was first published in 1982 as a class project at Stanford University. A quarterly magazine since 1987, EIJ has won significant acclaim for its groundbreaking coverage of environmental and social issues.«
Electronic Iraq
Electronic Iraq is a news portal on the US-Iraq crisis published by respected Middle East alternative news publishers, The Electronic Intifada (EI) and incorporating on the ground reports from veteran antiwar campaigners Voices in the Wilderness. In June 2003, eIraq was awarded ADC's »Voices of Peace« Award. eIraq and EI together receive between 300,000 and 1 million unique visitors each month.
Empowerment Project
Empowerment Project (EP) produces and distributes its own award-winning documentary films and videos. EP assists independent media producers, coordinates and supports progressive organizing efforts, conducts media training workshops, trains interns, and operates a media center with low-cost access to video and computer facilities in North Carolina. EP’s purpose is to put the power of the media into the hands of people working to accomplish important social, political and artistic goals.
ENN: Environmental News Network
For 10 years, the Environmental News Network has helped to educate the world about environmental issues. We began in 1993 as a monthly print publication called »Environmental News Briefing,« and launched in 1995 to reach a broader, more diverse audience.
Today, we offer timely environmental news, daily feature stories, audio, video, interactive quizzes, polls and more. Our goals are to help educate the public on major issues and to provide tools to help individuals take action in their own communities. We are not an activist publication, but instead try to present information from all sides, enabling our users to make their own decisions.
FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
»FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.«
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)
»FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose important news stories that are neglected and defend working journalists when they are muzzled.«
Films to See Before You Vote
Films to See Before You Vote is an ad hoc group of individuals who have teamed up to create a website designed to inform and empower citizens. While we live in different cities and have never worked together before, we share certain beliefs:
* that healthy democracies require informed and engaged citizens
* that film can be a powerful tool to educate and inspire
* that the upcoming elections are critically important, and
* that many concerned citizens would like to join with others to have an impact on the elections.
The current wave of political films appearing in theaters and on DVD, and the desire of many citizens for information and analysis to supplement mainstream media, have provided a unique opportunity. Utilizing the immediacy of the Internet to make the most of the time left before November 2 elections, we have created FILMS TO SEE BEFORE YOU VOTE to:
* provide a central access point for information on exceptional new and classic political films,
* enable visitors to easily purchase them on DVD or see them in a local theater
* encourage people to organize screening parties and theatrical excursions followed by discussions of the films and next steps.
Free Press Media Reform
Free Press is a national nonpartisan organization working to increase informed public participation in crucial media policy debates, and to generate policies that will produce a more competitive and public interest-oriented media system
Free Speech TV
»Finally, after 50 years of television broadcasting, there now exists a national television channel that reflects the diversity of our society, provides perspectives that are under-represented or ignored by the mainstream media, and shines a national spotlight on engaged citizens working for progressive social change.«
A 1994 Gallup Poll conducted in Cuba found that »a large majority chose Cuban television and radio as providing the most accurate news about Cuba and the world, over all foreign means of communication including friends and family.« The online version of Cuba's Granma is one of the 100 most-read online newspapers and is available in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German.
Green Left Weekly
»In these days of growing media concentration, Green Left Weekly is a proudly independent voice committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality. By printing the news and ideas the mainstream media won't, Green Left Weekly exposes the lies and distortions of the power brokers and helps us to better understand the world around us.«
Grist Magazine
»Grist is an online environmental magazine. Our credo: Pull no punches, take no prisoners, eschew the wealth and fame that so often seduce online environmental journalists. And try to have a better sense of humor than a pack of fur protesters.«
»Grist tackles environmental topics with irreverence, intelligence, and a fresh perspective. Our goal is to inform, entertain, provoke, and encourage creative thinking about environmental problems and solutions. We publish new content each weekday -- in-depth reporting, cartoons, summaries of breaking news stories, Q & A with activists, book reviews, an environmental advice column, and lots more. We're based in Seattle, and our contributors are scattered the world 'round.«
Guerrilla News Network
Guerrilla News Network is an underground news organization with headquarters in New York City and production facilities in Berkeley, California. Our mission is to expose people to important global issues through guerrilla programming on the web and on television.
Halliburton Watch is a project of Essential Information, a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, and the Center for Corporate Policy, a nonprofit, non-partisan organization working to stop corporate threats to democracy.
Essential Information is involved in a variety of projects to encourage citizens to become active and engaged in their communities. It provides information to the public on important topics neglected by the mass media and policymakers. It also publishes books and reports and operates a monthly magazine, Multinational Monitor. It sponsors investigative journalism conferences and provides writers and citizen activists with grants to pursue investigations on public policy matters. Essential Information also operates information clearinghouses which disseminate information to grassroots organizations in the United States and the Third World. Essential Information is based in Washington, DC.
The Center for Corporate Policy is a public interest organization working to curb corporate abuses and make corporations publicly accountable. It is also based in Washington, DC.
High Country News
»A bi-weekly newspaper that reports on the West's natural resources, public lands, and changing communities. Covering 10 western states, from the Great Plains to the Northwest, and from the Northern Rockies to the desert Southwest, High Country News is a respected source for environmental news, analysis and commentary on water, logging, wildlife, grazing, wilderness, growth and other issues changing the face of the West. «
Hightower Radio
The official website for »America's #1 Populist,« Jim Hightower. Includes recent commentaries as well as sound samples, feedback and Jim's schedule while on the road.
Huck-Konopacki Labor Cartoons
The labor cartoons of Gary Huck and Mike Konopacki.
IGC's Progressive Gateway
»We've grown from a tiny project to a national membership of over 15,000, with links to networks and activists worldwide. Today IGC Internet offers a unique starting point for political progressive to explore the Internet. It is gateway for people who want quick access to alternative news and political analysis, or an easy way to search for information and web sites of progressive organizations. Our gateway also features automated web tools for publicizing events and calendars, action alerts and information about volunteers and employment in the progressive nonprofit sector.«
In These Times
»In These Times is an independent political newsmagazine. Our purpose is to challenge the ideological conformity of the corporate media, and to make sense of the news bites and disembodied stories we are fed in the daily press and on television. As a not-for-profit publication supported entirely by our readers, we are free from the need to conform to advertisers or from the dictates of corporate headquarters. Instead, we report on events as our writers see and understand them. In These Times gives you news and views you can't find anywhere else.«
A network of journalists, writers and researchers trying to look beyond conventional economics and its notions of prosperity and progress.
Institute for Public Accuracy
The Institute for Public Accuracy seeks to broaden public discourse. With systematic outreach to media professionals, the Institute provides news releases that offer well-documented analysis of current events and underlying issues.
Serving as a consortium for an abundance of diverse expertise, the Institute for Public Accuracy makes frequent communication possible between independent policy analysts and working journalists. IPA promotes the inclusion of perspectives that widen the bounds of media discussion and enhance democratic debate.
La Quinta Raza
Beautifully designed - »La Quinta Raza is an independent production collective. La Quinta Raza publishes a quarterly bi-lingual journal,The Broadsheet, produces films and videos, and sponsors events which promote the dissemination of Latin American and Latino culture in the U.S.«
LA Weekly
The award winning alternative weekly in Los Angeles.
Labor Beat
»Labor Beat is the Chicago-based Committee for Labor Access, which develops and distributes progressive television, radio, videos, and internet communications on labor and social issues. (More than four hundred Labor Beat television programs and Labor Express radio programs have now been produced.) «
Labor Notes
»Since 1979, Labor Notes has been the voice of union activists who want to «put the movement back in the labor movement» through rank and file democracy. As an organization, Labor Notes works to bring activists together by publishing a monthly magazine, books, and pamphlets as well as holding schools and conferences. Labor Notes is a place to learn about the struggles, strategies, and solutions within the labor movement today.« Site includes: Labor Notes Magazine articles, publications, info about conferences, forum, and more!
Labour Start
LabourStart is an online news service maintained by a global network of volunteers which aims to serve the international trade union movement by collecting and disseminating information -- and by assisting unions in campaigning and other ways.
Its features include daily labour news links in 11 languages and a news syndication service used by more than 500 trade union websites. News is collected from mainstream, trade union, and alternative news sources by a network of over 230 volunteer correspondents based on every continent.
LabourStart has been involved in online campaigning for several years but moved up a gear with the launch in July 2002 of the ActNOW campaigning system. Tens of thousands of trade unionists have participated in its various online campaigns and more than 15,000 are currently subscribed to its mailing list. They receive weekly mailings, usually on Thursdays.
Le Monde Diplomatique
One of France's best papers, in English.
Left Business Observer
Clear and concise political and economic news from a left perspective. »Left Business Observer is an 8-page more-or-less monthly newsletter on economics and politics in the U.S. and the world at large. A list of recent back issues is on this web site. LBO, founded in 1986, is edited by Doug Henwood. Henwood is also a contributing editor of The Nation and does a weekly program on WBAI radio (New York).«
Mark Fiore's Political Cartoons
Mark Fiore is a political cartoonist currently living in San Francisco, the Promised Land of satirists. His animated political cartoons appear on various media websites and are seen by millions, possibly even scrillions. Formerly the staff political cartoonist for the San Jose Mercury News, Fiore now focuses exclusively on political animation.
Media Access Project
»Media Access Project is the only freestanding public interest law firm which is primarily devoted to representing the public's interest on electronic media issues. According to the National Journal, MAP is «considered by some...dollar for dollar the best run public interest group in Washington.» MAP's ongoing scrutiny of the FCC's activities over a quarter of a century has earned it influence and widespread respect among policy makers in the public and private sectors and considerable influence in the public debate over telecommunications matters.«
Media Channel
»On Media Channel, you will find original news, opinions and reports. You will also have access to hundreds of media issues organizations from all points on the globe. These include media watch groups, university journalism departments, professional organizations, anti-censorship monitors, and trade publications. This supersite is a reading room, a research center, and a meeting place for everyone with an interest in the media. While we intend to address the interests of media professionals, students, scholars and advocates, we hope to appeal to a much wider constituency - everyone who understands the central role that media plays in our lives, and wants to know more about it.«
Media Channel
MediaChannel offers news, reports and commentary from their international network of media-issues organizations and publications, as well as original features from contributors and staff. Resources include thematic special reports, action toolkits, forums for discussion, an indexed directory of hundreds of affiliated groups and a search engine constituting the single largest online media-issues database.
MediaChannel is concerned with the political, cultural and social impacts of the media, large and small. MediaChannel exists to provide information and diverse perspectives and inspire debate, collaboration, action and citizen engagement.
Media Transparency
Media Transparency tracks the money behind the think tanks and policy-shapers to shed some light on who controls the media and, often times, some great background information on where that talking head on your TV comes from--and what his real agenda is.
Media Venture
Our mission is media democracy. The game rules of today's media environment are both a threat to democracy and a gale force headwind against any real social change. Changing that is not only our duty as citizens, but a great business opportunity.
We germinate and fertilize enterprises that can be to monopoly media what Linux is to Microsoft: open, participatory, collaboratively-built, democratically accessible public utilities that work better than media driven solely by the profit motive. We're here to find and fund mammals that eat dinosaur eggs.
Monthly Review
The first issue of Monthly review appeared in 1949 with an article by Albert Einstein titled, »Why Socialism?« In the decades since, MR has proven to be one of the most respected voices of the left due to the consistent quality of their articles, reviews, and analysis. Their website includes articles from recent issues as well as an archive and sample chapters from their books.
Mother Jones/Mojo Wire
»The MoJo Wire is the online cousin of Mother Jones magazine, the first general-interest magazine on the Web. The site has been consistently expanding its offerings for the past two years and includes award-winning databases, in-depth news stories, and special projects. We're covering issues in depth that the magazine can only touch on.«
Multinational Monitor
My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable
News Alternative
Breaking news from assorted alternative media outlets, along with helpful guides to oil prices, world maps, and acronym finders.
News Trove
The website was launched in January of 2001. NewsTrove provides a search engine that indexes and categorizes news articles gathered twenty-four hours per day from thousands of individual high-quality news sources.
The news sources are English-language publications primarily from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and India, plus English editions of publications from the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America.
The publications include websites of traditional print and television news organizations, government websites, political organization websites, political commentary and opinion websites, and many of the higher quality weblogs.
»Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community« Arguably the most exhaustive collection of news and columns from a progressive viewpoint. The NewsCenter is an invaluable asset.
One World
»Like most of our readers, we are acutely aware of the injustices and unnecessary suffering in the world. Our aim is to bear witness to this injustice and to help people shed whatever light they can on it. But we don't see injustice and suffering as somehow 'belonging' to just one part of the world: they can be found everywhere. That's why we carry features about the way people are disempowered and marginalised in the «developed» as well as the «developing» world. «
One World
OneWorld is the world's favourite and fastest-growing civil society network online, supporting people�s media to help build a more just global society. Features news from around the world, with a strong humanitarian focus.
Open Democracy is an online global magazine of politics and culture.
Pop and Politics
»Farai Chideya is a 28 year-old journalist and author whose scope goes from print to television, and from African-American issues to punk music. In 1997, Newsweek named her to its 'Century Club' of 100 people to watch as we approach the year 2000.« Her site includes her past columns, a quiz showing the popular misconceptions about African Americans, and her responses to letters.
PR Watch
PR Watch offers investigative reporting on the public relations industry. We help the public recognize manipulative and misleading PR practices by exposing the activities of secretive, little-known propaganda-for-hire firms that work to control political debates and publica opinion.
Project Censored
»The primary objective of Project Censored is to explore and publicize the extent of censorship in our society by locating stories about significant issues of which the public should be aware, but is not, for one reason or another.«
Project Censored
The Mission of Project Censored is to educate people about the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and to tell The News That Didn't Make the News and why.
Project Censored is a media research group out of Sonoma State University which tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country�s major national news media.
» is a new kind of publication, one built on the efforts of progressive journalists, writers, artists and activists across the country. We launched rabble on April 18, 2001, just before the protests against the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, and leapt onto the Net with the kind of coverage you could only get from the point of view of the rabble. We have covered events and issues in ways you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere else ever since.«
» fuses the hot energy of activism with the cool eye of journalism. We feature some of the best progressive writers in Canada. Some will be known to you; others are the new and emerging voices you've been straining to hear.«
Radio 4 All
»The airwaves nominally belong to the people, but the reality is most of the media outlets worldwide are owned by a steadily smaller number of large corporations who use them to expand their wealth and power. Even the so-called «public stations» increasingly take corporate money or emulate corporate paradigms. This means communities and individuals are increasingly shut out of the process of determining what information they receive.« Radio 4 All lists independent radio stations and programs from around the world.
San Francisco Guardian
San Fran's independently owned alternative news weekly.
Seattle Weekly
One of Seattle's alternative weekly papers, covering regional and national issues, as well as music, art and film.
Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International
Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International is an organization dedicated to the dissemination of information that exposes Bill O'Reilly for what he is: An ego-driven, biased individual who spreads fear, hate and misunderstanding. His views are firmly anchored to the political right. He works tirelessly to enrage Americans and pit them against anything he considers »liberal« or, worse yet, »secular.« Mr. O'Reilly uses highly manipulative forms of presentation, phrasing and, yes, »spin.«
Take Back the Media
»Take Back The Media is a cooperative project by progressive American citizens. We are dismayed at the pro-government, pro-corporate bias shown by American media, and we intend to do something about it. Many American share our views on how the media promotes a pro-war, pro-big corporation agenda, and our numbers are growing every day.«
The American Prospect
»The aim of The American Prospect is to contribute to a renewal of America's democratic traditions by presenting a practical and convincing vision of liberal philosophy, politics, and public life. We publish articles for the general reader that attempt to break through conventional understanding and creatively reframe public questions. Ours is not a magazine of complaint, of angry gestures, or of private irritations. It is a magazine of public ideas, firmly committed -- however unfashionably -- to a belief in public improvement. America can do much good, and it can do much better.«
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (AAN) is the trade organization for the alternative newspaper business. AAN is a diverse group of 122 non-daily free-circulation papers that are distributed in all of the major metropolitan areas of North America. Each paper has a distinct, local identity that sets it apart from the mainstream press in its market.
The Crisis Papers
The Crisis Papers is a user-friendly collection of links to a wide variety of articles and blogs, organized in precise topics pages. Also contains columns by the editors -- Ernest Partridge, Ph.D and Bernard Weiner, Ph.D -- and a »Dissenting Internet« list, Activists' Page, letters, and other features.
The Independent Media Center
Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. Many cities and communities around the world have their own Indymedia. See if they cover where you live, and if they don't, get some friends together and start one.
The Intelligence Network
IntellNet is dedicated to providing individuals and groups aggregated news and documents from around the world in an easy-to-access and understand format.
Our software and human experts traverse a network of more than five hundred Web sites to deliver the latest news, documents, photographs, videos and other content. We also provide original content based on reports received from our sources on the ground.
The Memory Hole
The Memory Hole exists to preserve and spread material that is in danger of being lost, is hard to find, or is not widely known. This includes:
� Government files
� Corporate memos
� Court documents (incl. lawsuits and transcripts)
� Police reports and eyewitness statements
� Congressional testimony
� Reports (governmental and non-governmental)
� Maps, patents, Web pages
� Photographs, video, and sound recordings
� News articles
� Books (and portions of books)
The emphasis is on material that exposes things that we're not supposed to know (or that we're supposed to forget).
The Nation
»Established in 1865 by a group of abolitionists, The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine and one of its premier journals of opinion. Throughout 130 years of commentary on politics, culture, books and the arts, The Nation has remained true to its original mandate to be the independent voice in American journalism.«
The Onion
Quite simply, America's finest news source.
The People's Weekly World
The official paper of the Communist Party. Yup, they're still around, have apologized for that whole Stalinism thing and actually publish some of the best labor news of all the predictably-named commie newspapers. This online version has an archive of past articles in a format that's best described as »functional.«
The Polling Report is updated whenever new polls are released. Click a subject area from the web site directory above, use the CONTENTS page or site SEARCH engine, or access featured topics via the links on the right. Data are from national probability-sample surveys of the American public. Additional data -- including state-by-state presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial polls -- plus analyses by leading pollsters, are available to subscribers.
The Poynter Institute
The Poynter Institute is a school dedicated to teaching and inspiring journalists and media leaders. It promotes excellence and integrity in the practice of craft and in the practical leadership of successful businesses. It stands for a journalism that informs citizens and enlightens public discourse. It carries forward Nelson Poynter's belief in the value of independent journalism.
Founded in 1975 by Nelson Poynter, chairman of the St. Petersburg Times and its Washington affiliate, Congressional Quarterly, the Institute was bequeathed his controlling stock in the Times Publishing Co. in 1978. As a financially independent, nonprofit organization, The Poynter Institute is beholden to no interest except its own mission: to help journalists seek and achieve excellence.
Their website features fantastic media links, information, as well as helpful tools for writers.
The Progressive
»Each month, the magazine brings you some of the best writers and most incisive thinkers of our day. In the past few years, it has run articles by Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, Barbara Ehrenreich, June Jordan, Jonathan Kozol, Adolph Reed, Jr., Edward Said, Gore Vidal, and Howard Zinn. It also runs fascinating monthly interviews with political figures like Paul Wellstone, Jim Hightower, and Jesse Jackson; feminists like Gloria Steinem, Susan Faludi, and Katha Pollitt; writers like Edward Albee, Alice Walker, Salman Rushdie, Dorothy Allison, and Barbara Kingsolver; Nobel Peace Prize winners like Aung San Suu Kyi and Desmond Tutu; and singers like Patti Smith and the Indigo Girls.«
The Progressive Populist
The Progressive Populist, a newspaper that believes people are more important than corporations, premiered in November 1995 as a monthly publication. In October 1999 it expanded to twice-monthly publication.
The Progressive Populist reports from the heartland of America as well as from Washington, D.C., on issues of interest to workers, small business owners and family farmers and ranchers. In addition to reports from staff and contributing writers, the Populist prints populist essays, speeches and articles from alternative newspapers and magazines. It publishes progressive and populist columnists whose points of view are blocked out of most daily newspaper op-ed pages.
The Straight Goods
»Straight Goods is a watchdog working for Canadian consumers and citizens. The purpose of Straight Goods is to help you save money, protect your rights and untangle spin with investigative reports, features, forums, archives, and links to many others who share our values.«
The Stranger (Seattle
One of Seattle's alternative weeklies.
The Village Voice
When it was founded by Dan Wolf, Ed Fancher and Norman Mailer in the fall of 1955, The Village Voice introduced free-form, high-spirited and passionate journalism into the public discourse. As the nation's first and largest alternative newsweekly, the Voice maintains the same tradition of no-holds barred reporting and criticism it first embraced when it began publishing more than forty years ago.
This Modern World
Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins) is the creator of the award-winning weekly cartoon of social and political satire, This Modern World, which appears regularly in approximately 150 papers across the country. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Spin, Mother Jones, The Nation ,US News & World Report., Esquire , The Economist, The New Yorker, and numerous other publications.
Tikkun Magazine
Tikkun magazine began publication in 1986 as the liberal alternative to the voices of Jewish conservatism and spiritual deadness in the Jewish world and as the spiritual alternative to the voices of materialism and selfishness in Western society. Tikkun provides a space for both affiliated and non-affiliated Jews who seek to renew their Judaism, and a space for Jews and non-Jews alike to shape a politics out of spiritual values. is a public interest journal inspired by the great patriot Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Rights of Man. Paine was a man of humble origins and modest education, but he became a writer of extraordinary skill and passion. He used his talent to advance the cause of liberty and democracy against distant and unaccountable rulers.
Truthout provides an excellent selection of news each day of the week.
Under Reported News
»Surprising stories from the media and primary sources.«
Underground Press
»We're excited about the potential of the free press, and we want to tell you everything we know about it -- which zines are terrific (and which aren't); how you can find underground books, papers, videos and websites on exactly the topics you're interested in; and the latest news of people being threatened, sued, expelled from school, or jailed for what they've said or written.«
Utne Reader
»Founded in 1984 by Eric Utne, UTNE READER reprints the best articles from over 2,000 alternative media sources bringing you the latest ideas and trends emerging in our culture... Provocative writing from diverse perspectives... Insightful analysis of art and media... Down-to-earth news and resources you can use... In-depth coverage of compelling people and issues that affect your life... The best of the alternative media.«
Weekly Schnews
SchNEWS was born in a squatted Courthouse in Brighton in 1994 as part of Justice? - Brighton's campaign against the Criminal Justice Act. A few bright sparks decided to start reading out the news. Some of those bright sparks then decided to put some of it on paper - nearly nine years later and we're still printing! From the anti road protests at the M11 in London to the Newbury Bypass to the big Reclaim The Streets events of the nineties SchNEWS was there. From worker's struggles such as the Liverpool Dockers, fights against privatisation of public services to reporting on social centres and sustainable futures - week in week out SchNEWS reported the news from the direct action frontlines.
Then in February 1998 some of the crew went to Geneva to the first ever Peoples' Global Action conference. Here we met people involved in grassroots movements from across the world, swapped stories, made friendships and began to see the bigger picture, and with many others who had been involved in localised direct action campaigns, our attention now turned to also attacking the corporate carve-up of the entire planet while supporting the diverse small-scale alternatives. The first signs of this new shift was in May 1998 when mass demonstrations were held world-wide simultaneously against the G7 Summit in Birmingham, then again on June 18th 1999 (J18). But it was the mass protests against the WTO in Seattle in November 1999 that really brought this 'movement' to the world's attention.
Welcome to the White House
Probably a more accurate depiction of the policies and goings-on at the real White House than the so-called »official« White House site.
Working for Change
WorkingForChange is an online journal of progressive news and opinion published by Working Assets. Visit on a daily basis to read the latest dispatches from nationally syndicated reporters and columnists including Molly Ivins, Robert Scheer, and Greg Palast.
Yellow Times
» was created in October 2000, with the goal of opening another window onto the world. This window does not offer the only point of view, but it is pointed in such a way as to offer our readers a perspective that cannot be offered by those media organizations whose primary role is to defend the status quo. The dominant view in any culture will always be skewed to reinforce the values, and traditions, of that particular culture. This dominant viewpoint also reinforces the myths, distortions, and illogical constructions necessary to shield the status quo against inevitable forces for change. The power of the press has historically been enlisted to support and excuse rulers whose monetary or military might makes them «right» in all matters of public discourse. This is simply part of the human condition.«
Z Magazine
Z is an independent monthly magazine dedicated to resisting injustice, defending against repression, and creating liberty. It sees the racial, gender, class, and political dimensions of personal life as fundamental to understanding and improving contemporary circumstances; and it aims to assist activist efforts for a better future.