>Info zum Stichwort osmanbinladen | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
basti2@t-online.de schrieb am 17.10. 2001 um 22:37:55 Uhr über


Osama bin Laden hat sich bereiterklärt, CNN 6 Fragen zu beantworten. Hier die Fragen:

1. Your spokesman has praised the September 11 terrorist attacks that killed thousands of innocent people, and threatened to carry out more attacks involving planes and tall buildings. How can you and your followers advocate the killing of innocent people?

2. What were your role and the role of the al-Qaeda organisation in the September 11 attacks?

3. What was your role and the role of your organisation in the subsequent anthrax attacks in the United States?

4. Did any of the September 11 hijackers or their accomplices receive al-Qaeda financial support or training at al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, and was any other government or organisation involved?

5. In the past, you called on your followers to acquire weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Do you or your followers have any such weapons and, if so, will those weapons be used?

6. The vast majority of Muslim and Arab leaders, including Muslim clerics and Palestinian Authority leader Yassir Arafat, say there is no justification in Islam for the terrorist attacks you advocate. They have denounced you, your followers and your self-declared holy war. How do you respond to their criticism?

Die Antworten sollen auf Video demnächst bei CNN eingehen. Man darf gespannt sein.

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