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Susanne schrieb am 4.8. 2006 um 23:53:22 Uhr über


Leaves burnt by the sun
And there's no wind blowing
See the motor cars with a smiling face at the wheel
I'm watching the little girls
With their young men at their heels
It's a sunny day
But get me back to the night
'Cause I love that life
Back to the night
Like a skinny burlesque queen
I love a neon

Sweet smiling rose
The night life perfume
See the romeos dancing under the moon light
I see the night
Night was made for romance
You keep your sunny day
Just get me back to the night
'Cause I love that life
Back to the night
Like those skinny burlesque queens
I love a neon skyline
Got the card sharks hustling
At the break of the moon
Gay night walkers
Old blues buskers
All night long there's just so much to do

Just get me back to the night
Oh I love the life
Back to the night
Like a skinny burlesque queen
I love a neon skyline

Joan Armatrading

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