Die Vereinten Nationen kommentierten einen chinesischen Teenietroll auf ihrer Tagungsliste, (www.unep.org/cpi/briefs/2009Dec18.doc)
der scherzhaft die Auslöschung Europas ankündigte, - müssen die wohl drollig gefunden gaben. Ein Busenblitzer, mei !
Zitat Vereinte Nationen:
"At the extreme end, some Chinese believe that climate change will hasten the coming of an era in which China dominates at the expense of Europe, where temperatures could drop as a result of a weakening of warming Atlantic ocean currents caused by melting glaciers.
»Europe will become as cold as Siberia. Much arable land will disappear and the continent will no longer be fit for human habitation,« a Chinese blogger who writes under the name Feitie Zhiyi suggested in a posting last week. »China should emit more CO2 and make the world warmer! This will only do good to China and bring nothing bad. «As for the Europeans, it's better to freeze all of them to death!"
interessant auch der Punkt unter OTHER UNEP NEWS:
Canada Free Press: UN Sponsored Poster Campaign Depicts Humans As Evil Monsters
Die Evil-Monster-Poster-der-Vereinten-Nationen »Tarantula-KingKong-EvilJaws«, zu sehen z.b. auf
Fazit: The UN is seriously crazy.