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Duracell schrieb am 26.4. 2005 um 03:34:50 Uhr über


Ten cunts to count down to zero.
Nine cunts are hanging on the edge of my street.
Nine cunts were hanging around.
Take one for me, short her to ground.
Eight cunts are hanging on the edge of my soul.
Eight cunts were wasting my time.
I killed one, took her to splungesh.
Seven cunts of desire are drying me up,
seven cunts drying my zeroness.
Seven cunts drying my kitchen-wetness,
seven cunts above my zero.
Six cunts were broken, three by three,
they thought they could overwhelm me.
Five cunts I took them like nothing would come,
five cunts got me to three.
Three cunts I leave this part to imagination,
two cunts, I thought you would see.
No cunt told me to stick up with this,
no cunt showed me how to get free.
No cunt ever wanted my kindlyness,
and I don't know whether to be.

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