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FCKw schrieb am 5.5. 2024 um 07:07:43 Uhr über


Du wirst geborenda ist das Licht. Dein erster Tag ‒ versau das nicht. Dein letzter TagDu hast's versaut. Du wirst geborendas weißt du auch. Du wirst geborenwas machst du draus? Pflanzt einen Baumund baust ein Haus, du ziehst hineinund schaust hinaus. Und atmest einund atmest aus. Du wirst geborenBlaues Blut, dein Abiturnicht so gut, doch mit dem Titelschick gelebt und Dick gewordennix bewegt.
Du wirst geborenkerngesund, du siehst zum sterbenkeinen Grund. Und deine Erbenwarten vergebens, du wirst geborenund bleibst am Leben. Wo gehen wir hin? Wo kommen wir her? Was ist der Sinn? Ist da noch mehr? Gibt's einen Tunnel? Ist da ein Licht? Was fragst du mich?
Ich weiß es nicht.
Du wirst geborenArschgesicht. Der Vater sagt – »war ich nicht«. Die Mutter sagt – »Pech gehabt« und fechtet's anrechnet ab. Du wirst geborenMittelstand. Mit zwanzig Jahren – Philly Blunt, mit dreißig Jahren – Titelblatt, mit vierzig Jahren – nippelst ab. Du wirst geborenunter Wasser, ein Künstlerkind ‒ Hundertwasser. Hängst in der BudeAtemnot und hängst im Louvre ‒ nach dem Tod. Du wirst geborenReligion, der Sohn vom Sohnvom Sohn, vom Sohn, vom Sohn, vom Sohnvom Sohn, vom Sohn, vom Sohn vom Sohnvom Sohn vom Sohn. Wo gehen sie hin? Wo kommen sie her? Was ist der Sinn? Ist da noch mehr? Gibt's einen Tunnel? Ist da ein Licht? Was fragst du mich? Ich weiß es nicht.
1. Spring
2. Learn Your Lies
3. Return To Reality
4. Summer
5. Turn It All Around
6. Vanquished
7. Autumn
8. Empyrean
9. Seasons
10. Winter
11. Cease: The Eliminator
1. Spring
2. Learn Your Lies
It takes some time to learn your lies. ,Shut your gates forever, guard your walls, run quick, your enemy pursues behind you lost buried in envy and deceit. So you stand and so shall you fall lying in your blood. Death for defeat spoils to the victor. Misery and pain for those left standing. Watch your city burn and your enemies triumph over you. The angel of death passes before your throne.
3. Return To Reality
Brothers and sisters take a look around at this polluted perverse world we live in. What is the latest fashion? What's the latest trend? On your list of priorities these shouldn't even make the top ten. So what's going to be next? I think we all just need to take a step back. Take a step back, take a look to see what's really going on. What we can do to get the fallen on their feet this is the death of the flesh. Lets end the separation with all the love in our hearts.
Today we stand united just when you thought you had it all together someone came behind you and pulled the rug from under your feet. How does that make you feel? How could their impudence make you want to turn the other cheek? What's done is done just set it aside turn from their ways take back your life. Animosity has crowded the streets we walk. Deception has poisoned the air we breathe. Return to reality this is no longer your carefree fantasy. Lift up your heads O ye gates so we can see.
4. Summer
5. Turn It All Around
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. We live our lives hoping that in the end everything will fix itself. Find the truth in the words that you speak and the things that you do. Do what it takes to change at any cost. Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. The reward will be greater than the sacrifice when its all said and done. Reach out your hand to someone, and make a difference. Your flesh must be willing to die, willing to die. BUILD YOUR WALLS, TEAR THEM DOWN, AND OPEN YOUR HEART!
6. Vanquished
Vanquished at the hands of the master taken and destroyed. Broken is your sense of salvation waiting on the line. Lifeless is your mindless perception. Open up your eyes, this life that you lead is nothing. This animation a broken design. Open your eyes. This life is broken inside. You've met your demise. There is nothing left to give, give your life away. Broken salvation, broken inside. This life stained with hate, open up your eyes, can you find a reason to live this life?
To live without it you will die. Screaming opened eyed you will live this lie. Screaming for your attention to see me waiting on the line.
7. Autumn
8. Empyrean
Something from nothing. Gold from stone. Turn the key and open the box of secrets. Inside are the answers to life's tormenting questions. What one would give to gain the knowledge the world seeks to find. The ends of the earth cannot hold all its power forged in the darkness before there was light. Look to the skies. It rolls on the thunder, it dances with lightning, it rides on the wind and flows with the tide. The mysteries of life have never been found but I've opened the box and I've seen whats inside. Only one knows the answers and it can be found in the....
9. Seasons
Come one, come, all this is the truth or so they say. The image is more important than, it's more important than the being. The truth is this message as a dissimulated depiction of what is reality. They have become a wounder, a wounder of the healers rather than a healer of the many wounded. Come one, come all, this is the truth, not what they say. Without grace how can any of us make any progress? We all have sinned and fallen short but if we let that hold us back we would be nothing at all.
Personal responsibility has replaced personal response. This is the final straw. You are dead to me. Your actions prove nothing. You are dead to us. There is a season for everything what will you take from this, this what will you make of this there is a season for everything. What will you take from this, what will you make?
10. Winter
11. Cease: The Eliminator
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at der Friederich,
Der Friederich, der Friederich, das war ein arger Wüterich! Er fing die Fliegen in dem Haus und riss ihnen die Flügel aus. Er schlug die Stühl und Vögel tot, die Katzen litten große Not. Und höre nur, wie bös er war: Er peitschte seine Gretchen gar! Am Brunnen stand ein großer Hund, trank Wasser dort mit seinem Mund. Da mit der Peitsch herzu sich schlich der bitterböse Friederich. Und schlug den Hund, der heulte sehr, und trat und schlug ihn immer mehr. Da biss der Hund ihn in das Bein, recht tief bis in das Blut hinein. Der Hund an Friederichs Tischchen saß, wo er den großen Kuchen aß. Aß auch die gute Leberwurst und trank den Wein für seinen Durst. Die Peitsche hat er mitgebracht und nimmt sie sorglich sehr in Acht.

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