i swear i will deconstruct every tale of themmmm
i swear teyyyyyyyyhh all will declare me as mental-ill
thinking the faulth, the unright, to construct all reality only in my own head, and that i did not see the real reality, but theyyyyy, theyy see better, the real reality than me, and that i could be a very happy man ton live in such a land like scher monney which has sworn to protect such people like me with mental disorders, but if you want mister schmidt , we could declare you as saint and free. als well thinking. as absolutely normal with mental skills, that all you attitude of past times werde induced bei the volunté to resist to bad orders or propositions, to achieve an status as self thinking individua which is generally hard to achieve and schmidt made some observations in neurosciences, au moins this. es ging mir immer nur um meinen wissenschaftlichen ehrgeiz. Ich habe auf menschen nie wirlklich Rücksicht genommen. Mit voller absicht versltzt habe ich allerdings auch nicht.