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biggi schrieb am 12.10. 2004 um 21:45:54 Uhr über


Performed by : Roxette
Lyrics by : Per Gessle
Music by : Per Gessle
Released on : Look Sharp!
You pack your bag.
You take control.
You're moving into my heart and into my soul.

Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I won't be walking on thin ice to get through the night.

Hey, where's your work?
What's your game?
I know your business but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight,
you know she a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous.

You turn around, so hot and dry.
You're hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.

Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I'm not attracted to go deeper tonight.

Hey, what's your word?
What's your game?
I know your business but I don't know your name...

Hold on tight,
you know she a little bit dangerous.
She's got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she's a little bit dangerous.
She's armed and extremely dangerous...

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