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Spoiler&Heck schrieb am 30.8. 2014 um 20:04:10 Uhr über


»Yes we tan!« heisst das seit gestern

Obama Held An Important Press Conference And All People Cared About Was His Tan Suit

talking about global crises from Syria to Ukraine, but it was his tan suit that stole the show, at least on social media. Using the hashtag #tansuit, Twitter went crazy with comments on the world's most powerful man's wardrobe choice. »YES WE TAN«, tweeted journalist Ryan Teague Beckwith. Another journalist, Jared Keller, quipped: »President Obama is here to sell you tornado insurance« and »The Audacity of Taupe«.

Die beste Bemerkung ist:

»I'm sorry but you can't declare war in a suit like that

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