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ruecker42 schrieb am 11.1. 2008 um 01:28:09 Uhr über


Für den Plasmaphysiker sind Wurstinstabilitäten und die zugehörigen Wurstmatrizen schlimmer Alltag...

(Komm her cut'n paste...)

Journal Title
Research report
Vol.602(19820700) pp. 1-18
National Institute for Fusion Science ISSN:04694732
Sausage Instability of Z-Discharged Plasma Channel in LIB-Fusion Device
Murakami H. 1 Kawata S. 2 Niu K. 3
1Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University:(Present adress)Metropolitan College of Technology 2Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University:(Present adress)Tokyo Institute of Technology Nagatsuta 3Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University:(Present adress)Tokyo Institute of Technology Nagatsuta

Current-carring plasma channels have been proposed for transporting intense ion beams from diodes to a target in a LIB-fusion device. In this papaer, the growth rate of the most dangerous surface mode, that is, axisymmetric sausage instability is examined for the plasma channel. The growth rate is shown to be smaller than that of the plasma channel with no fluid motion in a sharp boundary. It is concluded that the stable plasma channel can be formed.

(... Großschrift, Wurstworte, ach was, WURSTSÄTZE aus der Matrix der verwursteten Realität...)

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