Adolf Hitler war nicht, wie so oft behauptet wird Vegetarier. Das war nur eine Propagandalüge, um ihm gewisse asketische Züge zu verleihen. Hitler war magenkrank und musste Schonkost zu sich nehmen.
»Hitler was not a vegetarian. His doctor sometimes prescribed that Hitler follow a vegetarian diet to improve his health. Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister, took this and twisted it to get people to think of the Fuerer as another saintly man like vegetarian contemporary Mohandas K. Gandhi (Mahatmah Gandhi). Gandhi, however, was the complete opposite in that even when his doctor insisted on him drinking beef tea for his health, Gandhi refused, while Hitler cheated on his doctors orders and only pretended to be a vegetarian, eating pasta stuffed with spicy beef covered up with tomato sauce (ravioli).«
Hitler war also definitv kein Vegetarier. Es ist übrigens unter Historikern allgemein bekannt, dass die Nazis Vegetarier/innen verfolgten.