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Der Junge von nebenan schrieb am 1.10. 2009 um 10:45:03 Uhr über


If you don't walk with me, I will walk alone
Hard enough to believe in myself
When I know they don't believe in me
Unwilling to change for society
I'll be who I wanna be
I wanna tear it up, tear it out
Get my aggression out
This is what we're here for, control the dance floor
This is why we're here
I said, this is why we're here
So when will it end, when will it end
When will they comprehend, comprehend
That we will overcome this system
I said this is why we're here
They keep on kicking me down, kicking me down
Tryin' to keep me underground, underground
But did I mention we were paving the way
For the new breed of bad seed
We'll never let up until we hear every voice scream
Screamin' these words, screamin' these words
'Til every voice is heard, voice is heard
They keep on screamin' these words, screamin' these words
'Til every voice is heard...
Calling from the underground!
I can feel it in the air I breathe!
I can see we all agree
Unwilling tochange for society
We'll be who we wanna be
We are the underground
We are the underground

( LOA )

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