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Blasterstar3000 schrieb am 27.6. 2004 um 01:48:52 Uhr über


MDFMK ~ Transmutation

I wasn't sure if I could go that far
But i never thought I'd crash so hard

Come undone fall apart

I didn't realize what I'd found
But it hit me right when I hit the ground

Screamed at me without a sound

Straight lie to say I'm suprised
Just totally stunned paralyzed

Emotionless hypnotized

Something inside of my head
Got way too good at being bad

Way too good at being bad

In place of hope
There should be fear
There's signs and signals everywhere

The equation

No clue what exactly occurred
But the vision's fogged and the memory's blurred

I am hearing things I've never heard

Don't know how long it's been
But something new crawls under my skin

Something strange creeping in

In place of hope
There should be fear
There's signs and signals everywhere
In place of hope
There should be fear
There's signs and signals everywhere
The equation
The equation
The world is eluding
The future is ruling
You are denying
Is consuming

Shape shift of a punished mind
Another broken heart beating overtime

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