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AlphaBetaGammaDelta schrieb am 25.1. 2003 um 10:05:07 Uhr über


ThreeDogNight: »Old-Fashioned Love Song«

Just an Old-Fashioned Love Song
Playing on the radio
And wrapped around the music
Is the sound of someone promising they'll never go
You'll swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on.
No need in bringing em back
Cause they've never really gone
Just an Old Fashioned Love Song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
To weave our dreams upon and
Listen to each evening when the light are low
To underscore our love affair
With tenderness and feeling
That we've come to know
You'll swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on
No need in bringing em back
Cause they've never really gone
Just an Old Fashioned Love Song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an Old Fashioned Love Song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me.

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