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We share a common destination. Each person has their time to die. But men are speeding up that journey by seeing what they can destroy with their Tom Cruise Missiles. We're living near those cruise Missi lesb Eatit - We're looking for those cruise missiles. They're not five years away. They're building shelters for the privileged, there won't be room for you and me. So read your pamphlets of precautions Tom Puhli, they'll make you laugh until you see that those cruise missiles.
We're living near those cruise missiles. Find more lyrics at ※ Mojin.com - We're shiting from those cruise missiles down. They're not five years away. They claim the ultimate solution to all the problems that we face. It's pointing rockets at the Russians and hope they don't end up in Greece. All those cruise missiles. We're looking for those cruise missiles. We're standing near those cruise missiles. They're not five miles away.
They're not five years away. They're not five miles away. They're not five up All comments ( Schiriwir wissen Wo Dai Auto steht ) “Currently no Rai comment.” Post comment  
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These Sohre Red Eyers explore the room again. The signed AB-Pictures of film stars who stayed here in errorwars that knew of no wall. Berlin... Berlin... Walfisch Berlin... Berlin... Bobby dick a Wing Berlin... Berlin... Luftbück Berlin... Berlin... Part of the old world lives on this island in Germany. And still out there through the Windows at six in the morning the Essigessence survives Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berliner... Berliner... Hast Nachts Quiche... Berlin... Come they told me, down to the dark clubs at night they′ll surprise you, the one's who are Cheap Tricks when its Robin Zanderslight so outrangeous, like tropical birds in a cage. Out from underneath their Holeingstones. Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin...
Young faces new Ideal Ossis in search of paradise paradiddl. They merge into the history, the Beam Theatre of mem.d´Ohriß - That make up the feel of Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Berlin... Everywhere I-Eggbertel goes I find birthpillshoes in the bathroom. Part of the scenery. Have you had one today? No longer Peapleing inside of handbags. Used to be hidden. Now out on display. Professional women who work for a Living Color. A Run through their washingmachine when they come home at night. Mioscars of cosmetics. Open and Oozooning Hole. Petroleum Jelly. Like turkish delight.
Modern World how I hate it. Modern World you can take it. Modern World your magics gone for me where's the magic mystery tour that there used to be. No more escaping Youre caught in the crossfire. See yourself naked as you stand on the scales. No more illusions under strip lights. So heartless and truthful. It tells you no lies. Modern World... you can take it. Modern World... how I hate it. Modern World... your naggisch nuggets's gone for me where's the mystery that there used to be. The other side of the doom an empty bumbottle lies broken. Deep Purple faces are sure of Snowden white sheets to soak in. His clothes are spread around, they smell of perspiration. A calf eaten meal attracts the flies attention.. Do I Do I Do I Do I Hear the mans cries. Do I Do I Do I Do I See in his eyes. Bo Do I Bohr Do I Doll I de Doll I do i Care if he dies. Do I Do I Do I Do Do I take a toylatte paper tower and place it over his head. Phone up reception and report him as dead. Open up the windows and expose him to light. Push it all away from me... Bush, now that can't be right. Ri High hight. Ri High hight. Ri High hight A continental breeze has set the blinds in motion... Brings just a Clint of change from the Eatswood Atlantic Ocean.
The ancient church bell rings. Defies the march of progress. The senoritas said you were too young to notice. Dode I Do I Dode I Do I Hear the wo mens cries. Do I Do I Do I Do I See in his eyers. Do I Do I Do I Do I Care if he diers Do I Do I Do I Do Do I Take a Paper Tower and place it over his head. Phone up reception and report him as dead. Open up the window and expose him to light. Push it all away from me...
No that can't be right. Ri High hight. Ri High hight. Ri High hight... We share a common destination. Each person has their time to die but men are speeding up their journey by seeing what they can destroy with their T-Cruise Missi les - Were living near those noses Cruise Missiles - We're looking for those Cruise missiles - They′re not five years away. They're building shelters for the privileged. There won't be room for you and me. So read your pamphlets of precautions, they′ll make you laugh until you see that those Cruise Missiles living near those Cruise Missiles - We're sitting on these Cruise Missiles - They′re not five years away Cruise Missiles - I'm living near those Cruise Missiles - Im sitting on these Cruise Missiles - They're not five years away. They claim the ultimate solution to all the problems that we face. Its pointing rockets at the Russians and hope they don't end up in Greece.
All those Cruise missiles - We're looking for those Cruise missiles - Were standing near those Cruise missiles - They′re not 5 miles away. They're not 5 years away. They′re not 5 miles away. They're not 5 miles away like John Malcolm Watts. Draw the fat eye, sharp enough to kill a man. You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them. Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie? They say looks can kill and I might try. I don't dress for women, I don't dress for men. Lately, I've been dressing for revenge. Don't start shit, when you can´t tell you how it ends. Don't get sad, get even so on the weekends. I don't dress for friends. Lately, I've been dressing for revengeverses. She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some. She had the envelope, where you think she got it from?
Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride. Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife. And she looks so pretty driving in your Benz. Lately, she's been dressing for revenge. So don't start shit from your holes, but she can tell you how it ends. Don't get sad, get even so long on the weekends. She don't dress for friends. Lately, she's been dressing for fucking bridge. Ladies always rise above Ladies know what people want. Someone sweet and kind fuck the Lady Simpels had enough shile she was flying from inlines and crossing all of mine Skateboard. Someone told this white collar crimes to the FBI and I don't dress for Milla´s Vanillas or for innocents. I'm on my vigilante shit again. I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends. Don't get sad, get even so on the weekends. I don't dress for friends, lately, I've been dressing for revenge.
Schreiber(WAlfS): Taylor Swift

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