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ARD-Ratgeber schrieb am 28.10. 2002 um 03:19:16 Uhr über


James :
Good evening, Miss Sophie, good evening.

Miss Sophie :
Good evening, James.

James :
You are looking very well this evening, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
Well, I am feeling very much better, thank you, James.

James :
Good, good...

Miss Sophie :
Well, I must say that everything looks nice.

James :
Thank you very much, Miss Sophie, thank you.

Miss Sophie :
Is everybody here?

James :
Indeed, they are, yeah.
They are all here for your anniversary, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
All five places are laid out?

James :
All laid out as usual.

Miss Sophie :
Sir Toby?

James :
Sir Toby, yes, he's sitting here this year, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
Admiral von Schneider?

James :
Admiral von Schneider is sitting here, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Pommeroy?

James :
Mr. Pommeroy I put round here for you.

Miss Sophie :
And my very dear friend, Mr. Winterbottom?

James :
On your right, as you requested, Miss Sophie!

Miss Sophie :
Thank you, James. You may now serve the soup.

James :
The soup, thank you very much, Miss Sophie, thank you.
They are all waiting for you.
Little drop of mulligatawny soup, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
I am particularly fond of mulligatawny soup, James.

James :
Yes, I know you are.

Miss Sophie :
I think we'll have sherry with the soup.

James :
Sherry with the soup, yes...
Oh, by the way, the same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
Same procedure as every year, James.

James :
Same procedure as every year, James...

Miss Sophie :
Is that a dry sherry, James?

James :
Yes, a very dry sherry, Miss Sophie...
very dry.
Straight out of the cellar, this morning, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
Sir Toby!

James :
Cheerio, Miss Sophie!

Miss Sophie :
Admiral von Schneider!

James :
Must I say it this year, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
Just to please me, James.

James :
Just to please you.
Very good, yes,

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Pommeroy!

James :
Happy New Year, Sophie!

Miss Sophie :
And dear Mr. Winterbottom!

James :
Well, here we are again, old lovely...

Miss Sophie :
You may now serve the fish.

James :
Very good, Miss Sophie.
Did you enjoy the soup?

Miss Sophie :
Delicious, James.

James :
Thank you, Miss Sophie, glad you enjoyed it.
Little bit of North Sea haddock, Miss Sophie.

Miss Sophie :
I think we'll have white wine with the fish.

James :
White wine with the fish?
The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
The same procedure as every year, James!

James :

Miss Sophie :
Sir Toby!

James :
Cheerio, Miss Sophie, me gal...

Miss Sophie :
Admiral von Schneider!

James :
Oh, must I, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
James, please,

James :

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Pommeroy!

James :
Happy New Year, Sophie gal!

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Winterbottom!

James :
You look younger than ever, love!
Younger than ever!
Ha, ha, ha...

Miss Sophie :
Please serve the chicken!

James :
Ya ...

Miss Sophie :
That looks a very fine bird!

James :
That's a lovely chu ... chuk ... chicken,
that I'll tell you,
a lovely ...

Miss Sophie :
I think we'll have champagne with the bird!

James :
Champagne, ya...
Sssssame, same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
The same procedure as every year, James!

James :
Sophie, me gal ...

Miss Sophie :
Admiral von Schneider!

James :
Must I, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :

James :

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Pommeroy!

James :
Happy New Year, Sophie, gal...

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Winterbottom!

James :
It's one of the nicest little woman...
one of the nicest little woman, that's ever breathed,
that's ever breathed...
I now declare this bazaar opened!
Would you like some fruit?

Miss Sophie :
I think we'll have port with the fruit!

James :
Oh, ... no!
S...ame procedure as last...

Miss Sophie :
Yes, the same procedure as last year, James!

James :

Miss Sophie :
Sir Toby!

James :
Sugar in the morning, sugar...

Miss Sophie :
Admiral von Schneider!

James :

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Pommoroy!

James :
I'm sorry, Madam, sorry.

Miss Sophie :
Mr. Winterbottom!

James :
Huuuhhh, I'll kill that cat!

Miss Sophie :
Well, James, it's been a wonderful party!

James :
Well, it's been most enjoyable.

Miss Sophie :
I think I'll retire.

James :
You're going to bed?

Miss Sophie :

James :
Sit down, I'll give you a hand up, Madam.

Miss Sophie :
As I was saying, I'll retire...

James :
Ya... ya.
By the way, the same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

Miss Sophie :
The same procedure as every year James!

James :
Well, I'll do my very best!

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