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fetter willenloser Zombiedad schrieb am 5.4. 2014 um 22:32:55 Uhr über


Der Darthvaderwurm ist hin und wieder auch durstig, taucht er unter einem Gewässer auf, verschluckt er sie über Nacht:

2005 Lake Bolotnikovo, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Large lake which disappeared in one night

2008 Mountain Lake Virginia, a »caprock sinkhole« causes the water to leak out of Mountain Lake

2009 River Listara, Bogota, Colombia has suddenly disappeared...
The mountain river was »swallowed by the earth«

2007 Chile disapeared lake in the southern Andes mountains, one theory scientists considered was that an earthquake in the area opened a fissure in the earth, which sucked down the lake.

2010 Iska River in Slovenia vanished overnight after residents reported hearing loud crashing sounds...

2011 Guacalito River in Costa Rica
It was not immediately known if the waters of the river had disappeared due to sinkhole activity that can occur after earthquakes or if the earth shaking caused damming...

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 Konfiguration | Web-Blaster | Statistik | »Sinkhole« | Hilfe | Startseite 
0.0066 (0.0032, 0.0021) sek. –– 849904726