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ARD-Ratgeber schrieb am 7.1. 2004 um 00:04:37 Uhr über



People said we couldn´t play
The called us foul-mothed yobs
But the only notes that really count
Are the ones that come in wads

They all drowned when the air turned blue
´Cos we didn´t give a toss
Filthy lucre, ain´t nothing new
But we all get cash from the chaos

The time is right to do it now
The greatest rock´n´roll swindle
The time is right to do it now

E.M.I. said you´re out of hand
And they gave us the boot
But they couldn´t sack us, just like that
Without giving us the loot

Thank you kindly A & M
They said we were out of bounds
But that ain´t bad for two weeks work
And 75,000 pounds

The time is right to do it now
The greatest rock´n´roll swindle
The time is right to do it now

The time is right to do it now
The greatest rock´n´roll swindle
The time is right to do it now

I just wanna play with my hand
Are you good enough for me
Hiya boys I´m the choosen one
Can´t you fucking see

I´m a jealous god and I want everything
And I love you with a knife
I´ll take you, if you´re ready for me
And I´ll give you my life

The time is right to do it now
The greatest rock´n´roll swindle
The time is right to do it now

The time is right for Nickey´s Special
The greatest rock´n´roll star
The time is right for me, now!


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