>Info zum Stichwort SevenofTen | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
MechanicalBoy schrieb am 18.9. 2002 um 01:43:18 Uhr über


in a strange place

sevenoften will always remember something unusual
in a strange place
she feels like crying
as she feared, sevenoften can't remember her next move
the countryside is terribly stale
she is aware
there is nothing more to be done


the sun is setting

there is gunfire in the street below
never goes outside
the sun is setting
and her voice is in the rain
and she tells you how ugly you are


a black poem for mechanicalboy

nothing matters but music and caffeine
wants to be near you
her voice is in the rain
and she laughs at your pain
here in the shadow of death


a black poem for mechanicalboy

offers to share his dessert
you have forever to think about this
and have you had your experience?
you have no more ideas

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