>Info zum Stichwort Rumänien | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
Garfield schrieb am 26.2. 2015 um 16:16:03 Uhr über


www.victorponta.ro/contact, victorponta2.0@gmail.com

President Băsescu and Prime Minister Ponta,

Romania, the country of my birth, is a small country, but need not be a petty one. For our children’ wellbeing and our nations future, I urge you to stop taking orders from abroad and to start following your consciences if you are to restore my country its lost sovereignty and shattered dignity and return to my people their right to self-determination and control over their minds and bodies.

Ceausescu, for all his flaws, at least protected the populace from the genocidal coalition in control of the international system, whereas every Romanian leader since has succumbed to pressure to subsume Romania to the depopulation/globalization axis of the New World Order. This is the time to reverse the damage done to my country and position Romania as a leading light on the international arena. I am providing you with a unique opportunity.
The moment Ceausescu was executed at the end of 1989 and the new Romanian leadership adopted the methods of population control dictated by the UN and its Anglo-Saxon backers, the population started declining (from 23 to 20 million in just 14 years), became sicker, a quarter of our adults were rendered infertile and the remainder sub-fertile, and our children reached the same levels of allergies and developmental disorders as the rest of the poisoned world.

Stop poisoning my people with endocrine disruptors or history will judge you harshly. Grant me the full trappings of diplomatic status and the support of Romania’s institutions of state and I will forge global consensus for worldwide legislation for population control.
Fail to do so, and you will soon face charges for crimes against humanity. Worse, you will be reviled by the Romanian people now and for all times.
I hope that you will meet with me without delay so we can discuss the way forward.



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