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Jaggers Liebling schrieb am 13.12. 2002 um 19:46:03 Uhr über


»Gimme Shelter«

oh, see the storm is threatening
my very life today
if i don't get some shelter
yeah, i'm gonna fade away

war, children
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away

repeat yeah

oh, see the fire is sweeping
down through the streets today
burning like a bright red carpet
another fool who lost the way

rape, murder
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away

repeat yeah

repeat verse one

love, sisters
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
love, sisters
it's just a shot away
shot away
shot away

war, children
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss awy
war, children
it's just a kiss away
kiss away
kiss away

rape murder
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
rape, murder
it's just a kiss away
kiss away
kiss away

repeat previous three twice

repeat love chorus

war, children
it's just a kiss away
kiss away
kiss away

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