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wuming schrieb am 26.8. 2010 um 01:31:21 Uhr über


Harry Lachner
Sonntag, 22. August
Tom Waits: Diamonds On My Windshield
Album: The Heart Of Saturday Night
Asylum 960 597-2 / 2648
The Pachinko Fake: Let It Rain
Album: Por La Vida!
Strange Ways Records WAY 36 / 7147
Vangelis: Tears In Rain
Album: Blade Runner
Universal 060075305147
Vangelis: Eighth Sector - Nocturnal Rain
Album: Blade Runner
Universal 060075305147
Boris: Flower Sun Rain
Album: Smile
Southern Lord SUNN92
The Residents: Ninth Rain
Album: Dot Com
Ralph America RA09
■Wipers: Voices in the Rain
Album: Is This Real?
Sub Pop 190
■Method Of Defiance: Black Rain
Album: Nihon
Rare Noise Records RNR003
■Lightnin' Hopkins & 13th Floor Elevators: Rain Falling
Album: Freeform Patterns
Collectables Records 554
Blind Willie Johnson: The Rain Don't Fall On Me
Album: The Complete Blind Willie Johnson
Columbia, Legacy C2K52835
■Coil: Amber Rain
Album: The Ape of Naples
Threshold House THRESH2
X-Legged Sally: Poor Man's Rain
Album: The Land Of The Giant Dwarfs
Knitting Factory Works, Bang! Music KFW182Bang20517
■Brownie McGhee: Rainy, Rainy Day
Album: Angel Heart
Antilles ANCD8709
■Alejandro Jodorowsky: Rainbow Room
Album: The Holy Mountain
ABKCO Records (ohne Nr.)
Peter Broderick: Piano & Rain
Album: 4 Track Songs
Type Records TYPE044
■Karen Dalton: Little Bit Of Rain
Album: It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best
Megaphone Music CDMEGA10
■Coil: A White Rainbow
Album: Winter Solstice: North
Eskaton Eskaton19
■Meditronica: Rainbow Rain
Album: Meditronica
Rare Noise Records RNR001
■Psychic TV: Black Rainbow
Album: Towards Thee Infinite Beat
Temple Records TOPY049CD
Last Exit: Devil's Rain
Album: Iron Path
Virgin/Venture VE 38 / 3098
■Vic Chesnutt: Buckets Of Rain
Album: Crossing Jordan
DMZ Records 87089
Peter Broderick & Machinefabriek: Rain
Album: Blank Grey Canvas Sky
Fang Bomb FB012
John Lee Hooker: Pouring Down Rain
Album: The Complete Vol. 6 - Detroit-Miami 1953-1954
Body & Soul 3074242
■Eyvind Kang & Tucker Martine: Version Like Rain
Album: Orchestra Dim Bridges
Conduit Records 1305
Boris: Rainbow
Album: Variations
Daymare Recordings DYMC 125
■Robyn Hitchcock: The Rain
Album: Gravy
Rhino Records R271821
Barbecue Bob: She's Coming Back Some Cold Rainy Day
Album: Chocolate To The Bone
Yazoo 2005
■Giant Sand: Dirty From The Rain
Album: Chore Of Enchantment
Loose VJCD113
■Steve Reich: It's Gonna Rain
Album: Early Works
Nonesuch 979 169 / 0286
■Sonic Youth: Rain King
Album: Daydream Nation
Geffen Records GED24515

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