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Sister Rossetta schrieb am 20.12. 2002 um 10:56:25 Uhr über


Dear Disturbed:
Sister Rossetta is well aware of those Nunzilla novelties, but didn't want to draw attention to them for fear that they may provoke the REAL NUNZILLA.
Like Godzilla and the Loch Ness Monster, the 50 foot creature known as NUNZILLA has stirred awe and fear amongst believers since Biblical times.

Who drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden?--NUNZILLA.
Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?--NUNZILLA.
Who will come in the last days to scorch the earth and destroy everything in her path?--NUNZILLA.
No one knows her hiding place, but The Bible Clearly States that she can strike at any time.

Scoffers say that novelty Nunzillas are harmless, but NUNZILLA won't be mocked. Not even Satan or God stand in her way. I say quietly put away your little Nunzilla, to enjoy only in secret, or PAY THE CONSEQUENCES.

Such a mighty Nun she is!
Sister Rossetta

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