gute musik:
moby, smiths, oasis, simon & garfunkel, new order, fluke, andrea parker, go-betweens, die sterne, solex, a r kane, art of noise, the chemical brothers, the wiseguys, weezer, primal scream, grauzone, garbage, manic street preachers, embrace, underworld, pixies, salt tank, pavement, sonic youth, beta band, die goldenen zitronen, the advent, bob dylan, townes van zandt, bis, coldplay, alex reece, kurtis mantronik, the future sound of london, blur, gay dad, portishead, mono, nightmares on wax, gus gus, shed seven, stereolab, breakbeat era, beck, kraftwerk, the charlatans, the jon spencer blues explosion, beastie boys, tocotronic, asian dub foundation und mehr.