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Lecce Windowski Roma, am 20.4. 2024 um 09:26:27 Uhr

Hallo verehrte Frau Angelika Merkel vom Acker,
zunächst möchte ich mich herzlich für die Erkentniss bedanken, dass das Deutsche ABI gleich dem Neigungswinkel des Schiffen-Turms von Pisa entspricht. Auch wenn ich schon mal auf jenem Turm war, kam ich nie auf die Idee den Neigungswinkel zu nutzen gegen den Wind zu schiffen. Aber mir ganz langsam mit dem ABI den Arsch abzuputzen, auf die Idee bin ich nicht erst in der Coronazeit gekommen. Calw habe ich ja noch nie gesehen und dort auch noch nie jemandem dort Gitarrenunterricht gegeben. Zumindest hatte das den gleichen Sinn wie einer Affendame etwas über Schimmelpansen in »You go Slavia« oder »Du BR off Nick« zu erzählen.
Nur weil bei vielen Menschen der Kopf hohl ist kann man in ihn hineinkotzen. Deshalb spicht der Volksmund und der Volkswagen auch vom Sagenumwobenen Schwanz der Fotze. Siehe Liadls: »Hab mein Wage voll geladen« und »Hoch aus dem gelben Roß«. Hohl, das ist wenn keine sichtbare Materie mehr vorliegt. Als hohl kann man aber auch Menschen bezeichnen, die keine wirkliche Intelligenz besitzen. Hohl ist Raum für Inhalt. Friedhöfe sind ja nicht als Endstation zu sehen, sondern als Durchgang durch ein ausgelöschtes Leben. Das beruhigt, macht das Leben ruhiger und zufriedener. Wie bedauerlich für die andere Frau aus der Sieblist-Wohnung, die voller Angst die Todesnachrichten betrachtet, nachrechnet, wann sie dran ist. Ich will der garantiert nicht begegnen, dann lieber ihrem Standsieb oder ihren Eltern: aber ihre Eltern werden auch als Geist kein englisch reden. Sie können nur französisch Horn blasen und die Menschen trösten, daß ich zu Lebzeiten nicht zu ihnen gehören konnte, weil der Weg zueinander unmöglich war. Zuviel verbindet einander vielleicht im Leben, aber sehr offensichtlich auch nach dem Tode, haben wir uns doch zu Lebzeiten daran gewöhnt, vor nichts und niemandem Angst zu haben!
Endstation Schillerplatz könnte komische Gedanken hervorrufen. Peter Maffay ist ein Phänomen, wie man es in allen Ländern antrifft, die keine natürlichen Rock'n Roll-Länder sind: Ob France Gall, Patricia Kaas in Frankreich, Zucchero, Toto Contugno in Italien oder Georg Danzer, Wolfgang Ambroß in Österreich, immer fragt man sich, was für ein Wahn der Verblendung die jeweiligen Hörer in Sinn geschlagen haben muss, derlei Derivate als nationale Spielart der 'Rockmusik' zu betrachten und nicht, wie es angemessener wäre, als kleinbürgerlicher Versuch, das in solcher Musik latent schlummernde Potential am Sitz der Hose zu erklären und die Dynamik auf ein Niveau zu drücken, das dem jeweiligen Kulturstand des Landes entspricht und nur in Form des elektronisch verstärkten Schlagers in außenstehenden Nationen eine gänzlich unverständliche Breitenwirkung erzielen kann.
Welcome to Assoziations!*German for »Associativity-Blast-Blasen« [Deutsche Version] »Blowing Your Peter and Silly Hahn of Maffei!« Assoziations-Blasting is an interactive text network. Anyone, including you, is allowed to contribute to the text database. And all the texts inside this database are connected automatically in real time. You can not browse through all the texts in a linear way. Instead you´ve to jump from one text to another depending on their connections, revealing new meanings and associations. The information in the database is organized through keywords. Every text belongs to a keyword, and the keywords create the connections between the texts. You are also allowed to create new keywords after certain intervals. So with your contribution you can help to build up a non-linear map of all things that exist.
News here? For a quick overview of this project read an Introduction! Start Blasen with the Wind, Dandelion, Pearl Harbour. Stand in Bloods with the latest entry or a random keyword with this keyword: *German for »Associativity-O-Blast« [Deutsche Version] »Blowing Your Mind Was Yesterday!« Assoziations are an interactive text network. Anyone, including you, is allowed to contribute to the text database. And all the texts inside this database are connected automatically in real time. You can not browse through all the texts in a linear way. Instead you jump from one text to another depending on their connections, revealing new meanings of associations. The information in the database is organized through keywords. Every text belongs to a key, and the doors create the connections between the textintros and the exit. You are also allowed to create new keywords after certain intervals. So with your contribution you can help to build up a non-linear map of all things that exist.
New here in Germany? For a quick overview of this project read our Introduction! Start blasting with the wind, dandelion, pearl harbour, stand and deliver blood with the latest entry or at random Keyworldplatz and Haltestellen with this keyword. Personal Configuration: Set up your individual quality filter. Detailed statistics on the usage, the user's writing activity and search engine traffic. Modify any page in the web or use our bookmarks Discussion Forum. A linear discussion forum to talk about the Brain and the contributiontribes. Frequently asked questions details on how the Brain works and how it might have been used.
Impressum of brain:
For german lawyers – required by german law against censorship: Support our Anti-Censorship-Project. A project by Alvar Alma Avartar CH und Freude. Blackbird singing in the dead of night. Take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life. You were only waiting for this moment to arise. Blackbird singing in the dead of night take these sunken eyes and learn to see all your life. You were only waiting for this moment to be free. Blackbird fly, blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night. Blackbird fly, blackbird fly into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night taking these broken wings and learn to fly all over your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise. You were only waiting for this moment to arise. You were only waiting for this moment to arise. The fireflower blazes in a bright orange flame stand in the dark, a midnight black reminder of the time to come when all time is done and all memory lost. You are stripped to the badest definition of acts, facts and thoughts. I thought I'd mention it.


Betreff: Someone Somewhere were was a great A-Gain

Datum: 2000 - An: »<firsttake-take2fists@gmx.de>, «<friends@abi1984.eu>, »betze,berge« <c.boekel@iduna-park-berg.de>
D Eve Loopment O U R ability to walk upright is what makes it painful and permits the birth of human children with gravely under-developed craniums which results in a longer childhood than any other mammal Under – Neath Extreme. The extreme version of the story includes references to the conspiracy, but even the timid version does not sit well with most Extreme. Laidl von Kaiser per GENERAL MIDI am Rolandkey Instrumen T al anlesen. Extreme und trotzdem Ass Out Licked. Geliebt, wir lebten jeden Tag im Roland aus. Geweint stritten auf Teufel komm raus alles ab. Versöhnt, verhöhnt wir lagen sie sich in den Armen, oouu Extreme produziert gehen sie bei uns ein und aus. Geschworen auf Ewigkeit Schluß Aus und an Amen vorbei. Und du?
Erfroren, du produtierst nur noch Scheisse und ich schau zu. Gehasst, ich war mit Eifer rasend in die Tabs von Extreme vertieft, was brauch ich die verfluchten Penner*innen und ihre Stille in der Nacht? Zerreißt der Schmerz euch auch die Därme, ich will noch einen großen Haufen dauflegen, lieg wach und eure Wut schnürt wie ein Strick sämtliche Kehlen. Doch da ist auch nichts mehr das mich durchfährt wie Züge. Atemlos Hin und her Extreme, und trotzdem Scheiss ich Extremer auf dich. Ich brauch eine Scheisse wie Dich nicht. Ich sage ja zu Deutschen Wasser, du sagst nein zu Pfälzer Wein? Enttäuscht, wenn ich dir sagt: »Geht allein«. Verloren, versetzter Schein, Enemy Mine Extreme, und das wars dann. Und in der Stille der Nacht lass ich die Zeit mit dir durch die Revue passieren. Ich hab nichts falsch gemacht und werde dich da wie du bist akzeptieren. Du bist und bleibst die allerletzte Scheisse mit der jede(r) sterbe und leben muss, ooh, Extreme, und deshalb scheiss ich auch furthermore auf dich Schreiber wie Salvatore Cutugno / Roland Kaiser / Silvia Gehrke.
If you could only hear the silent eyes when you wake them up from their ears. Nothing is heard, mot even a bird, even a birth, even a world worth Rock a byebye, rock a byebye on the Tri Top (on the tree top) when the bought G breaks, the cradle GD will Repub Lickrock. Rock, rock, rock a byebye Rock, a rock, a rock byebye. And if they had any choice at all you still can't hear those voices that call when the bough breaks. The cradle will, cradle will, cradle will fall. Rocks a byebye (rock a byebye) an the tree tops (on the tree tops) when the bough breaks. The badest Willrock (read Willrock) Rock, Rock, Rock A-byebyes. Rock, Rock, Rock-Hörer Rock A Bye Schreiber.S Gary F. Cher one, Nu no Dann Nisches Betten Kurt. I remember it well, I was just about three. My dad said, »Son, what do you want to beIt didn't ring no bells, but I said »Daddy, I'm a bit too young, what do you want from meI'm much older now, I'm almost a man, I can do anything, you bet I can. Raise a family, now wouldn't that be grand? So sorry, but I got no bigger plans. Yeah!
You can be anything in the world today. Something like a preacher, a teacher, a baseball player. Those kind of things I just don't care, I want to represent the USA. The American Dream. Oh, as far as the eye oh say can you see, AI want to beme I, wanne be the leader of the country. When I'm President things will be different. We'll start as new government. When I'm President. When I'm President say, you can be in my cabinet. I'll be your heaven sent President.
First things first, we're gonna change the rules. Better listen up, all you boys and girls, your prez says there'll be no after school. So vote for me, now wouldn't that be cool?
(Yeah?), yeah, (Yeah?), yeah. And now I know there's trouble in the Middle East. I'll spend all the money when I stop the arms race on my brothers in the desert, gonna have themselves a fist. When that's done, then we'll start on finish the world. So go ask Alice! Oh, you know what he said. What did he say? »Remember, I wanna be elected«
When I'm president things will be different.We'll start a new government when I'm president. When I'm president say you can be in my cabinet, I'll be your heaven sent president...huh President. President, when I'm president things will be different then. We'll start a new government when I'm president. When I'm president say, you can be in my cabinet. I'll be your heaven sent... when I'm President. You want me to go down there to the houses of Harlem with a police man?
Not gonna do it!
Höre »When I'm Presiden…« Schreiber(S): Gary F. Cherone, Nu no Bett en Centercourt - Think the world can be black, white, and Jew? Peacemaker die. I'm Mister 'Righteous One'. You say you have this plan if we kind of understand Peacemaker die. I'm Mister 'Nice Guy'. You dare to speak the truth. Well, I'll twist and turn it into lies blessed are the warmongers. (Blessed are the warmongers) Blessed are the warmongers (Blessed are the warmongers) - They shall be called man made Gods. Peacemaker die. Peacemaker die.
Peacemaker die, I don't know why, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, I don't know why? Peacemaker die. I'm mister goody too. Do you really think the world can be black, white, and Hindu Jew? Peacemaker die. Mister M TVman, don't turn your back on me 'cause I'm the one with the gun. Blessed are the warmongers (Blessed are the warmongers), Blessed are the warmongers(Blessed are the warmongers), they shall be called sons of God. I don't know why? Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die. I don't know why? Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die. I don't know why?
Eeh ah. I have a dream this afternoon that the brotherhood of man will become a reality in this day, with this faith, I will go out and close the tunnel of hope. Through the mountain of despair with this faith. I will go out and transform dark of the yesterdays into bright tomorrows with this death. We will be able to achieve this new day when all of the God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will with the Hindu Kusch and sing with the Negroes in the spiritual heads. (Peacemaker die) Free at last, free at last Peacemaker die. Thank God Almighty we're free at last. I don't know why? Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die. Peacemaker die, (Peacemaker die), Peacemaker die, Peacemaker die, I don't know why? Yeah Peacemaker die. Just one last time höre Scheiber(s): Gary F. Cherone, Nuno Bettencourt: »Everything Under The Sun III: Who Cares?« Tell me, Jesus, are you angry? One more sheep has just gone astray a hardening of assholes, turning to stone. Wandering off so far from home. So many children losing time walk in darkness looking for a sign. Chasing their rainbows, the future looks so bright, slowly we're losing sight of the light. Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Tell me who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Tell me who cares? Who cares? All alone out in the cold can't look back, am I growing old I chose a path, this this my way. Am I´m finding out the truth too late? Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Tell me who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Tell me who cares?
Here I am, nothing to hide with empty hands. Remember me, I am the one who lost his way, your Prodigal Son will ever gonna change. He´ll always stay the in same. Say one thing, why I do the other same. Ald songs go on forever. Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? Tell me who cares? Who cares? Rise, rise and shine A. Threw awayday is coming, yes, it is. Sun going up making its rounds. It keeps on moving, painting the town before you know it. She's stinking low. So tell me something, something I don't already know.
I don't know Cowards Karpfentale from the south, then turning north. Whirlwind spinning on a circular course the answers, my friend returns to blow you away, so don´t tell me something. Something I don't already know. I don't know. Tell me something I don't know as for the wise men who pursue their knowledgesamen as the fool, samesamen as the futt free falling prey to Pollycock. Can only one fate, one fate befall them both? So tell me something. Something I don't already know. I don't know. Tell me something I don't know. Tell me something I don't know. Ah, can you tell me? You must go on, as for the show? So tell me something. Something I don't already know. I don't know Tell. Tell me something I don't know. Tell me something I don't know.
Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Höre "Something End@Schreiber(s): Gary F. Cherone, Nuno Bettencourt, Patrick Badger.
Look at Monica walking in her sleep. Look at Monica running through the fields. In her dream, so serene Monica, Monica. Hush, don't you say a word? Did you see the smile she made today? Look at Monica.Look at Monica. Morning's coming ever so fast, shadow's reality's cast more like a dream that just won't last. Look at Monica walking in her sleep. Look at Monica running through the fields. In her dream, so serene. Monica, Monica. Please keep quiet, let her sleep, can't you see the smile she made today?

Look at Monica. Look at Monica.

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