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Reichssozialhygieniker schrieb am 20.11. 2024 um 14:36:20 Uhr über


U like to see Master Rudra ?

Here u can find very best images of the ancient masterpiece:

Most of the visible body parts are other living beings. Snakes form his hair and a turban, a lizard forms his nose, lizard's hind legs form the brows, a frog his eyes, two fishes form his moustache, a crab shapes his chin and lip, two peacocks help form his ears, busts of two crocodiles shape his shoulder, a turtle his penis, two lion cubs form his two knees.

Rudra is the mightiest of the mighty, the most frightening one.
His name means: who eradicates problems from their roots.
He is also known as the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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