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Greif schrieb am 27.4. 2000 um 10:53:06 Uhr über


Wenn´s die Tangente druckt, wird´s schon stimmen...

Come to MPG!

If you are always the Gelackmeierte

if you will bring it to a green Zweig: COME TO MPG

if you are a young girl or man

and noch net pensionsberechtigt:

We have a Betriebsklima like in Florida

we have the four bis six - Stundenday

we have cirka 10 Feierdays in the year,

52 Sundays and genauso many Samsdays

of which jeder is free

and we have many holidays.

We have the world - best Schulsystem,

na, is this nix?

You are unser Mann when you can (not so) hard dranlangen

take it easy when you are vorbestraft, it makes nix -

also let’s go: COME TO MPG

only eins noch:

be careful, manchmal we must schaffe, too -

last not least: COME TO MPG and you will be happy (or not?!)

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