>Info zum Stichwort Liebesmaschine | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
Bettina Beispiel schrieb am 21.10. 2008 um 21:57:11 Uhr über


If you need
need a one-day lover
Just call 76 54 321
One day lover if you need me
A two day's lover
Just call 87 65 4321
Two day's lover.

'Cause the love
love I will give you
'Cause the love
the love I will give you
Is sweeter than anything else in the world.

Sweeter - than anything else
In this world
Sweeter - really sweet

I am a love machine in town
The best you can get
50 miles around.

He's a love machine in town
The best you can get
50 miles around.

He's a love machine in town
The best you can get
50 miles around
As a love machine in town
The best you can get
50 miles around
He's a love machine in town
The best you can get
get a piece

If you need
need a three day's lover
Just call 98 76 543
Three day's love

'Cause the love
love I will give you

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