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Annunziata schrieb am 5.6. 2004 um 21:44:43 Uhr über


Wenn ich morgens meinen Kaffe trinke, höre ich immer immer dieses Lied:

Cup of coffe

You tell me you don`t love me over a cup of coffe
And I just have to look away
A million miles between us
Planets crashing to dust
I just let it fade away

I`m walking empty streets hoping we might meet
I see your car parked on the road
The light on at your window
I know for sure that you`re home
But I just have to pass on by

So no of course we can`t be friends
Not while I`m still this obsessed
I guess I always knew the score
This is how our story ends

I smoke your brands of cigarettes
And pray that you might give me a call
I lie around in bed all day just staring at the walls
Hanging round bars at night wishing I had never been born
And give myself to anyone who wants to take me home

So no of cours we can`t be friends
Not while I still feel like this
I guess I always knew the score
This is where our story ends

You left behind some clothes
My belly summersaults
When I pick them off the floor
My friends all say they`re worried
I`m looking far too skinny
I`ve stopped returning all their calls

And no of course we can`t be friends
Not while I`m still this obsessed
I want to ask where I went wrong
But don`t say anything at all

It took a cup of coffee
To proof that you don`t love me


wenig Musik


Das Leise rauschen des CD-Players

Leise, sphärische Musik


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