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Angerona Jawlensky schrieb am 19.10. 2003 um 02:48:39 Uhr über


"Woe to the worthless shepherd that deserteth the
flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon
his right eye; his arm withering shall wither,
and his right eye darkening shall be darkened."
(Zech. 11:17)

"Jesus said, If thy right eye hath caused thee to
stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. And
if thy right hand hath caused thee to stumble,
cut it off, and cast it from thee; it is better
for thee that one of thy members should perish,
and not thy whole body be cast into Gehenna."
(Matt. 5:29, 30)

"We'll be the worms in your apple pie. Fake
abuse for our bios, blacken our own eyes."
(Marilyn Manson)

"The ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus is a symbol
with protective powers conveying wisdom, good
health, prosperity, unity, and wholeness. The
eye is the part of the body able to perceive
light, and is for that reason the symbol for
spiritual ability. The right eye (the Eye of Ra)
became associated with the sun while the left eye
(the Eye of Horus) corresponded to the moon.
Today the image is a popular amulet worn to fend
off evil."

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