>Info zum Stichwort Haste-den-passenden-Skill-kommste-rein | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
Pferdschaf schrieb am 31.7. 2016 um 23:47:37 Uhr über


in die Untergrundarche. Ab 1. August erhöht sich der Preis, dann kostet der 1-Jahres Aufenthalt 50.000 Dollar für einen Erwachsenen, 35.000 Dollar pro Kind. Auf http://terravivos.com/secure/indiana.htm kann man sich bewerben, Ärzte suchen sie noch. Mit diesem Skill (du bist Arzt) bekommt man Preisnachlass. Die Zimmer sehen hübsch aus, siehe Videogalerie. Bald soll es für die Europäer die Arche »Europa One« in Thüringen geben, darin werden dann 500+ People Platz haben. Und man muss garantiert nicht mehr back to the Surface, verspricht der Hersteller.

Am spannendsten aber ist natürlich der Punkt:
Verbleibende Zeit (Time-remaining), woran ich merke, dass ich in die Arche flüchten muss...
Dazu gibts die Warning-signs, sie werden auf der Seite wie folgt beschrieben:

-When government officials cannot be found
-When major executives are flying to South America
-When the constitution is suspended
-When the POTUS exercises his power for total rule under NSPD-51
-When the internet is unplugged
-When martial law is enacted
-When all gun sales are banned
-When you cant leave the USA because the borders are sealed
-When the military is on Americas city streets making rounds to homes
-When all guns are being confiscated
-When FEMA and/or Red Cross advance crews start arriving in cities
-When all major highways have roadblocks
-When the National Guard is put on “Snapcount Alert”
-When the Re-Ed camp contractors get the 3 day notice to start arriving
-When large rail or highway convoys of heavy armor are reported nationwide
-When the media is blacking out or refusing to report a real negative story
-When the Euro finally collapses
-When the stock market collapses
-When a bank holiday is declared
-When you are limited on how much you can withdraw from your bank
-When credit cards and credit line access is frozen
-When gold is being confiscated
-When the supermarket shelves are empty
-When Vivos has raised the price for a space to $1M in solid gold bullion
-When multi-nation war breaks out
-When the first nuke or dirty bomb goes off
-When the next major terrorist or earth change happens
-When the USA or EU is under a no-fly zone
-When Fukushima melts down and blows Cesium into the stratosphere
-When Tokyo is evacuated
-When airline pilots refuse to fly due to the radiation exposure
-When American beef and milk has evidence of radiation
-When a biological pandemic is declared
-When a major city is quarantined
-When you are told to stay in your home
-When everyone is wearing face masks
-When you cannot buy medications
-When the Canary IslandsLa Cumbre Vieja erupts or slides into the ocean
-When the Yellowstone caldera rises more than 10 feet
-When multiple level 5 storms are sequentially occurring
-When the Gulf BP oil dome blows
-When new fault lines are awakened
-When giant sink holes open up all around the world
-When there are giant rips in the Earth’s crust for all to see
-When new geysers are seen venting in California
-When what sounds like horns blowing are recorded around the world
-When smells of sulfur or fuel are being reported in many areas of the world
-When pipelines across the country are ruptured
-When the Solar activity of the sun has changed dramatically
-When an X-Class flare is headed our way
-When the Northern Lights can be seen in Texas
-When the magnetic poles are shifting faster and faster
-When cosmic ray intensity is off the charts
-When there are undeniable disturbances in our solar system
-When meteor showers are increasing and fireballs are falling from the sky
-When Nibiru appears to the naked eye
-When everyone can see a second sun
-When the sun sets in the North – Northwest
-When the tides are rising, and the moon’s orbit is off
-When the Space Station is evacuated

Habtsers verstande oder soll ich mir noch die Mühe mache und was von da Endsigns ins Deutsche übersetze ? Nee, wa, brauchmer net. Wenn du die 50.000 Dollar bezahlt hast und über den passenden Skill verfügst, beeinhaltet der Service einen Anruf bei dir, 3 Tage vorher, aber dann spute dich, kommst nit rechtzeitig, kannste nit mehr rein.

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