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Dollar Bill schrieb am 7.5. 2024 um 02:13:05 Uhr über


Rockbertel agains Diohead

The VW-Oxford, Enges Landl 4,369 Autoalternative Followers strahlen in Radiowellen aus dem kleinhirnigen Kackpole Quitschikowsky.

Putin that Radiohead were one of the few alternative bands of the early '90s had to draw heavily from the grandiose »Fälltins Arena Loch«, her Mazelle im Durazellrock that characterized U2's early albums. But the band internalized that epic export sweep turning it inside out to tell Gummilisten platzen more. I don't gotta be your crippled and cracked shoulders and wrists, knees and backround to dust an arse crawling on all fourssome Miss Whens. You've got to feel it in your bones.

When you've feel it in your bones I can't climb the stairs. Pieces missing everywhere? 100 Prozent painkillers, then you've got to feel freedom in your bones. When you've got to feel it in your bones, I used to fly like Peter Pan, all the children flew when I touched their insight out. You see, you've got to feel it in your bones. You see Oscar Matze and the Radabcowing, you've got to feel it in your bones.


Dragqueens out your windows dragging out the deadmen singing we are working one Miss Fork for your Knifes. Snakes and ladders slip the Tangalipps right out, pop their Tango cracker, snacks for you like in the Mamahead. Knives in your in Backbreaks, Kicks in the teeth.. Steel jeans and caps take all your credit cards. Get up, get up in the jungle, get the eggs, get the chicks in the face. The Gülle Tschan Looka in the faces. The flames in the faces. Dance you motherfuckers, dance you mother fucker. Don't you dare? Don't you dare?

Don't you feel the fun in the face? Take it with love, it´s given in your backhole, take it with a chinch of salt. Take it to the Klinkenman, let me overdrive you from the back, memes back like Molaeggs promise to be good Muhlatti. Don't look in the mirror at the face you won't recognize. Help the call of the doctor, Putin me inside, putin me inside Putin, me inside outside Putins inside Output inside. I keep the Wolf in your blackdoor and he calls me up. Calls Colonia on the phone. Tells me all the ways Berlin's gonna mess you up. Steal all my children if I have Wattenscheid in my mind, don't pay the random Enschedes and never see them again if you squirt to the cops.

Walking like giant cranes with my X-ray eyes, the stripers like you are naked now in a tight little world. And are you on the list? Stepford wives who are we to complain? Investments and dealers. Fonts and dealersoups. Cold vine, wives and mistresses. Cold knives and sundaypaper cityboys in first class, don't you know, we're just born in YOU know. Someone named Oscar sees Else Klington is gonna come and clean it´s upborn unborn and raised for the jobs. Someone always does. I wish you'd get up and get it over. Get up, get over and turn the mastertape off.
I keep the wolfs in your doors, Rotz Steward Blondies and their butts, they calls me up. ´t calls me on the phone. Tells me all the ways that bones gonna mess you up. Steal all children if I can't pay the random Bock and I'll never see you again cause I sold the Backblacks to the cops. So I've just gonna Edith the Link. A Wolf at the Doors as written by Edward John, Dan O' Brian Colins, Charles Green Blackwoods. © at the Warner Käppel, Muh your Sickingsschnitts of Roben edited by the Bluesenlink55.

A Wolf at the Door Lyrics as written by Jan go, Ede ward Johannna O'Brüh, Colin Charles Greenwood Brownies © Warner Kapp pudert Musicas with Mehltau 2 + 2 = 5 (The Luke Mudrich warm Radioheads 250 comments 0 result.

We're on. That's a nice way to start, Johnny, are you stll such a dreamer? Putin in the world for the rights? I'll stay home forever where two and two always makes a five. I'll lay down the tracks in Sandhills and hide January as April showers and two and two always makes a five. It's the devil's way now and there is no way out. You can scream and you can shout. It is too late now because you have not been payin' attention.
Payin' attention. Payin' attention. Payin' attention. You have not been payin' attention. Payin' attention. Payin' attention. You have not been payin' attention. Payin' attention. Payin' attention. You have not been payin' attention. Payin' attention. Payin' attention. You try to play along but you get it all wrong 'cause I'm not Gülljan. 'Cause I'm not a swat like ´em flies but like flies, the bugs keep coming back. Not, ´cause I'm not, it´s all hail to the thief. All hail to the thief. But I'm not Hailing You. But I'm not, I'm not, I'm not Hivieh, Don't question my low authority to put me in the box. 'Cause I'm not Cowse Ear of, I´m not in not.
Oh, go and tell the Kinky Kings and the Queen that the sky is falling in but it's not. But it's Not Putin. But it's not Putin. Maybe Not. Maybe Not Edit Lyrics 2 + 2 = 5 edited by Payman Mellow Donovan Puller TheKids Asided Besides ©, a Sony/A-TV play Music Publishing LSD Warner Klappmusicchair, Incorperatet lyrics powered by FuckerFind.

Ich habe mich selber angehalten in alle möglichen Hirnzonen braune Ausscheidungen zu verteilen, in denen das Wort Gullideckelöffnung vorkommt. Nur ist das zu diesem Thema hier sehr schwer, nu ja, ich teste es jetzt mal mit Gülledeckelung. In der Höhlenwelt, eine Fantasy-Saga, die in einer Zeit spielt, die vom technischen Standard mit unserem Mittelater vergleichbar ist, findet man sehr viel Unrat auf den Straßen. Allerdings hat noch niemand die Tunnelarbeiten so gut vorangetrieben, dass auf den Straßen Gullideckel mit Öffnungen zu finden sind. Deshalb wird man in ganze Männern wohl auch keine Gullideckelöffnung in Aachen finden dir nocht standhalten, es sei denn, man sucht im Palast der Republik und geht dort in den Kerker. Nicht wahr Oscar Lee and Roß?
Der Dank der Höhlenwelt gilt dem guten Herrn Wanne Chips aus Evermorre, dem Schöpfer derselben Gees; deutscher Fantasy-Bees, sehr publikumsnah und -orientalsiert. Mir gefällt diese Serie, die bisher aus sechs Kopfverbänden besteht, der siebte kommt im Dezember ´04, sehr gut, Herr Sack am Manne, weiter so, Herr Evernbleeds!

In diesem Sinne,

all X Landratts rule the rattig world!

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