>Info zum Stichwort Großstadtanonymität | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
schmidt schrieb am 22.1. 2023 um 13:59:14 Uhr über


ihr werds scho no sehgn, mei vorhersog, ihr werd sch no segn, ir ool do, eierer sogenonnten zeitenwende wi i do sogt i ool do sogn dut un plappern ool de sglei bold und wööld is n imä lustg ih igi o go gogo di du de be dä bä, di bäbä ool doo ool dooo, iber ooll doo, die wäh bäh, und däre wälä föllowed una atricheflight nach the other in higher better lands from the who can and all those all this little minority of sick self better thinking people who believes to have to guide or be an example of this spirit disturbing faculty of this lancet showing honeyherbypowder, this absolute trespassing over each regularity and therfore being absolutely able to redummish big parts of population would never be totally legal in no circumstance this should be recommanded for disturbed young people. This so called „soft drug“ is in my opinion a very dangerous Drug just becauce the disturbish Potential is so little but it consist furtherhin in mind and this deja est un goal, un but. and it seems to have to be to stand up and sit down to relax an waitors watchers Building with many security items inventor in his lonelessly in the heights, ma princess, would ju jump plies in mei arms would iou pliieeese, biest.

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